Chapter 12

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Lunar and Draco had made their own little sleepover at the dorm. They were telling scary stories, when outside there was a police siren. They ignored it...

The night passed and Funneh and Gold came home. "Hey guys! We're a little late, but I think that's okay!" Gold said, Gold and Funneh were smiling sus-ly. Then Rainbow burst through the door, "WHOO!" Rainbow said, "hehe, hey guys." They put some stuff away, while Lunar watched TV and ate pringles, Draco did not eat..he choked...on doritos. 

"we all know what happened, last night right?" Gold said to Funneh and Rainbow, they both nodded, "that Yandere's the murderer? yeah! But why?" Funneh said, Gold though for a moment, "All I know Is I was walking down the stairs for a midnight snack, when I saw Yandere stab and crawl away from Rainbow's sleeping bag, she was with me.." Rainbow looked at her, "yeah I know..I was there." Funneh and Rainbow said together. 

"yes, yes but why is the question..for fun? Is she getting paid? Does she have allies?" Gold said, Funneh then remembered something, "when I was with Alec on the-" When she got interrupted, "How do we know to trust anyone? The allies could be in school..." Rainbow talked over Funneh, not even talking to her. Then Funneh said, "guys, when I-" "yeah your right! Rainbow! what if..." Funneh sighed, "GUYS-" "no but that wouldn't work. Funneh frowned, and left the room passing both of her sisters but they didn't even notice. 

"Hey Lunar and Draco do you ever feel invisible?" Funneh said, her voice volume not even at 1, "not really.." Draco responded, in a loud 4. Funneh smiled and sat next to Lunar and the TV with her, "yeah, sometimes...but I don't mind it!" Lunar smiled at her older sister. Funneh smiled back.

Short, but hey you can't be mad at me for being least I post daily


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