Chapter 16

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Kyran knew what Prince had been doing, he walked along the halls full circle then slowly into the Janitor's closet to find Felicia and Prince all smug and kissing he took a pic and slammed the door locking them both inside. Kyran chuckled as he heard shouts and banging on the door.

Gold was walking through the halls, running her fingers along the blue, rusted lockers until she found a little group all crowded around someone or something. She sped to it, "Gold don't go in there!" Lunar's said putting her arms in a T-pose, Evan was standing next to her and nodded agreeingly, Gold giggled, "silly Wenny, if your scared of it than it must be DRAMATIC! I love it, let me in!" Evan grabbed Lunar hand and pushed her into the lockers, "eh, she'll find out eventually.." Lunar crossed her arms, "yeah Wenny!" Gold said.

Gold walked in, "oh Prince? Hi what's happening.." she grabbed hold of his hand, "this Kyran guy drew a stupid drawing of me and kissing.." Gold narrowed her eyebrows, then laughed, "who cares? It's gotta be like stick figures, because that would be stoopy!" Gold smiled, and walked toward Kyran and his phone, Kyran's eyes lit up when he saw Gold, "hey Gold LOOK!" Kyran lifted his phone and showed it to her, Gold's smile faded when she saw it, Kyran can't draw that good.. "PRINCE! YOU YOU- you lied to me..? Is that why you didn't want to make it official? So you weren't off 'hanging with bros' you were off 'hanging with FELICIA' I CAN'T BELIVE IT- you dummy! You think you could've pulled this oof? When we're you gonna stop? And break up?..nuh uh I do not care! I AM NEVER TALKING TO YOU EVER AGAIN!" Gold yelled, then crossed her arms. Prince frowned as he saw her walk away, he caught up, "hey Gold do you wanna-"

"NO HECK NO NEVER EVER IN A MILLION YEARS!" Gold yelled, tears falling from her eyes, "I HATE YOU! I CAN'T BELIEVE I EVER TRUSTED YOU! IT WAS A RED FLAG WHEN YOU DIDN'T WANT TO MAKE IT OFFICIAL! I AM DONE!" Gold stomped her foot, then turned on her heel and walked away to a bench, "hey Gold, look I'm sorry about what happened. I didn't mean for you to cry..but I- I don't you wanna go to my dorm and like spill your heart out? Or something I-" Gold gave him a hug and cried on his shoulder, he didn't know what to do, this has never happened before.

Kyran patted her back, "Are you okay-" he walked his forehead intentionally, Gold pulled up her head and stared at him, "I- you- are y-you bl-blind?" She said shaky, Kyran had screwed up but he quickly hugged her so he didn't have to answer, Gold giggled a little, "I-I'm ok-kay Ky-kyran, thank- thank y-you.." she wiped her eyes and gave her gave him a warm smile. Kyran smiled, and stood up, "well uh gotta get to my um classes! See you 'round!" He smiled then walked away. Gold smiled as she watched him walked away, she felt her warm smile warm up her face, "oh no Kim no no your done with boys for a long, time.." she muttered to herself, but she couldn't help she never noticed Kyran was so- sweet, kind and cared for her even when she was ugly crying and her face all scrunched up. Prince never did that, he'd go, "it's fine! It's not that bad." Gold leaned against the back of the bench, knowing Lunar will get Prince in her free time and knowing she herself, liked that blue haired boy.

Look at me on Pinterest! WolfiXD! love that I have videos!


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