Chapter 14 Onigumo's Heart

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I can't trust anyone..." I finally spoke, but I then felt the presence of Jewel Shards causing me to let out a sigh.

"Are you here to kill me for trying to hurt you're precious Kagome?" I ask.

"How did you know it was me?" Koga questions as I glance over to him walking towards me.

"Any closer and I'll kill you, Wolf-Boy." I warn causing him to glare at me.

"Why do you serve Naraku?" Koga finally asks causing me to scoff.

"I don't serve anyone I'm repaying a debt to him. The only memories I have are of him saving me, nothing else. It's as if I'm scared to..." I answer causing Koga to scoff.

"You don't strike me as the type to be scared of something." Koga states as he walks closer to me as I stared into his sapphire eyes.

"If you're here to kill me, just get it over with." I declare causing his eyes to narrow at me.

"My nose doesn't lie... You and Kagome are related so I won't take the chance of her hating me forever, if I killed you." Koga insists, but then I began to hear shouting in a distance.

"Koga!" A man's voice calls out causing me to finally look away from Koga, who put on an annoyed expression.

"Where are ya, Boss?!" Another man's voice rings out causing Koga to scoff.

"Those idiots..." Koga trails off causing me to glance over at him.

"Friends of yours?" I question and look down to see two guys dressed in the same attire as Koga standing at the bottom of the cliff causing Koga groans slightly.

"Yeah, I'd better go. See ya around, (Y/N)." Koga responds and I sigh.

"Next time, I'll probably have to kill you." I point out and Koga chuckles.

"I'd like to see you try." Koga remarks and then jump off the cliff causing me to sit down and stare back up at the moon. "I'll trust those memories for now, but I can't fully put my faith in Naraku or anyone... Not until I get back all my memories." I think finally letting out a sigh and grabbing the hair pin in my hair. I go to turn it, however I'm suddenly restrained by white snake looking demons.

"W-what the hell?!" I exclaim as I look over to see a familiar looking Priestess glaring at me. "Wait, isn't she the priestess I saw Naraku talking to through Kana's mirror. Wasn't her name... Kikyo." I think as she begins walking towards me.

"I warned you, (Y/N)." Kikyo states causing me to put on a confused expression, but then serpents around me began to tighten their hold. "Damn it, I have to feign innocent or she's going to kill me!" I think as I put on a pleading expression.

"I-I don't know... What you're talking about, please!" I bellow as I felt the snakes grip suddenly loosened as I look up to see Kikyo with a suspicious expression.

"Lies, I specifically warned you not to harm Inuyasha or I'd kill you!" Kikyo shouts causing me to widen my eyes.

"I'm not lying, I clearly would have remembered that! Also, this is the first time I've ever met you, Priestess." I counter causing her to stare at me for a moment, but then sigh.

"You're memories... Naraku took them form you, didn't he?" Kikyo asks as the serpents untangle themselves from me and she goes to place a hand on my head. "Took my memories what does she mean?" I wonder, but suddenly I felt a numerous amount of jewel shards appear behind me causing me to push Kikyo away to see Naraku appear in front of me, but his back was turned.

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