Chapter 27 Reincarnation

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*TW: Child Abuse*

Climbing out of the well I begin to sense the Sacred Jewel Shard. "If I follow the Jewel Shards I'll find Kagome and the others." I think as I begin walking in the direction I sense the Shards.

"I'm beginning to get a bad feeling, I better hurry." I state as I start running through the forest.

"Come to me!" A man's voice rings out sending a chill down my spine. "This man's voice I've have a feeling I've heard it somewhere before..." I think as I pick up the pace, but then Kagome comes into view.

"Kagome!" Songo calls out causing my eyes to widen as I see a man, with what looks like tree arms heading straight towards her. "Good thing, I kept my sword with me!" I think as I drawl my sword from it's sheath.

"No, you don't!" I call out as Sacred Power engulfs my blade and a blast of Sacred Power engulfs the guy's arm.

"H-how dare you!" The man bellows causing my body to pulsate. "Why is this man's voice so familiar to me?" I wonder as he then glares at me, while holding his arm.

"(Y/N), I thought-"

"We'll talk after we take care of this guy." I insist, while interrupting Kagome and look back over at the man to see he had a confused expression.

"You're voice, I know it..." The man trails off causing my eyes to widen. "How does he know my voice as well?" I wonder as my body pulsates once more, while the sacred power surrounding my sword disappears.

"That woman is what I have been missing, but you also... You both are what I have desired!" The man proclaims as his arm begins to grow back. "Why does this man's voice have such an effect on me?" I wonder as I stare down at my shaking hands.

"I'll take you both!" The man hollars causing me to look up and see him arm heading towards Kagome and I, but my body wouldn't move and continued to pulsate.

"(Y/N)!" Kagome and Songo chorus as I see I'm about to be caught.

"Hands off!" Inuyasha demands, while slicing off the man's tree arm and the pieces dissipate.

"(Y/N), are you okay?" Kagome asks, but I looked back down at my hands.

"N-no, something's wrong." I answer as I stared down at my hands that were trembling. "Who is this man?!" I wonder, but then the sound of buzzing rings out causing us all to look up to see Naraku's poisonous insects.

"Kagome, you and (Y/N) get out of here." Inuyasha instructs as he looks over at us.

"Right." Kagome nods as she grabs my hand. "That guys an incarnation of Naraku... Could that be the reason he had an affect on me?" I wonder as I watch the insects begin forming the man a new arm.

"Come on." Kagome insists as she begins trying to drag me away, but I couldn't tare my eyes away from the man.

"That's the last time you'll interfere." The man states as his arm turns back into a tree.

"Hold it!" The man demands. "Midoriko!" The same voice rings out in my head causing my eyes to widen, but Inuyasha gets in front of him and points his sword at the man. "What the hell is happening?!" I wonder as I Kagome continues to drag me away.

"What do you want with Kagome and (Y/N)?" Inuyasha asks causing the man to narrow his eyes at him.

"Kagome and (Y/N)? You're mistaken. They are mine." Muso answers as he pushes Inuyasha back and onto the ground with his tree arm.

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