Chapter 75 Byakuya Of The Dreams

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(To (Y/N) )

A ray of sun shined upon the lids of my eyes causing me to slowly open them. "Morning already?" I wonder as I slowly sit up from Entei to see Jaken and Rin sleeping against A-Un causing a smile to appear on my face.

"They're sleeping so soundly..." I trail off as I let out a sigh. "I wasn't to stay with them, but I know I can't." I think as I stand up and dusted off my clothes.

"Awake, I see." Sesshomaru's voice made me turn to see him walkin up to me.

"The sun is to blame." I inform as I turn only for a wind to blow through my hair causing a sullen expression to appear on my face.

"It is the same for you?" Sesshomaru asks causing me to turn to him as our eyes met.

"How could it not be? I broke the promise I made to her, I feel ashamed." I answer as I look down at the ground.

"(Y/N)." Sesshomaru mutters causing my eyes to widen.

"She was happy in the end, don't forget that." Sesshomaru adds causing tears to fall from my eyes as I look up to see Sesshomaru with a sullen smile making me smile back.

"Thank you." I thanked, but he then reached his hand to my eye and wiped away the tears.

"Tears don't suit you." Sesshomaru states, but before I could say anything I hear Entei sound out as he got up and walked over to us with an annoyed expression.

"Sesshomaru, I-"

"Go." Sesshomaru interjects with a serious expression. "So he knew." I think as I nod and climb onto Entei.

"Let's go, Entei." I instruct causing him to fly up into the air and I look ack to see Sesshomaru starring up at me. "Always lifting me up when I'm down, shining the light into my darkness, thank you Sesshomaru." I think as I turn to the front with a determined expression.

(To Inuyasha)

"The Demon blade Dakki, huh?" Totosai asks as he was looking at the split in half sword.

"Come on, you must know somethin about it." Inuyasha answers.

"Well, yes, I have heard of it. Take a look at this." Totosai insists as he slams his hammer down on part of the sword to reveal a green scale.

"What is that thing?" Inuyasha inquires.

"One of Ryujin's scales." Totosai responds as Myoga jumps onto Inuyasha's nose.

"I've hear of this sword. The Legendary Dakki." Myoga states as he was sucking on Inuyasha's nose, but was then smooshed.

"This one is a failed attempt hardly worthy of the name." Totosai informs.

"A failed attempt? That thing absorbed all of Tessaiga's Demonic Energy. Naturally, it still wasn't enough to defeat me." Inuyasha declares with a victorious smirk.

"If the blade had been successfully forged, you wouldn't be here." Totosai counters causing Inuyasha to quickly turn to him.

"Are you saying it's possible there's a deal one like this somewhere?" Inuyasha quires.

"Why would you ask such a thing?" Totosai questions.

"Well, if Tessaiga had the ability to absorb Demonic Energy like that, then fighting Naraku and Moryoumaru would be easier-

"Out of the question. To achieve that kind of power, you'd have to fight against Dakki. If you were to lose such a battle, and all of Tessaiga's Demonic Energy were to be absorbed, it'd be just a rusty blade, incapable of being returned to it's original form. Tell me, Inuyasha, is that a risk you're willing to take?" Totosai asks.

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