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Castle raiding idea:

The sledgequeen and her guards house in the castle, difficult to even reach due to the snipers and incredibly dangerous due to many guards wielding guns and a sheild user, now I'm adding some concept.

Miniboss: gatekeeper

Music that plays while fighting: (Not on a radio just while fighting)

The gatekeeper will stand at the gates of the castle, he will act as the main line of defense, the other guards and sledgequeen will not agro unless attacked while gatekeeper is fighting the players or if the players enter the castle while he's alive, if one of the guards or the queen is alerted to player presence he will check the location all on his own, he will return to the gates if he finds nothing, wielding a greatsword and a assortment of tech.

Swings faster in general

Puzzling combat: if you parry his heavy attack you will be stunned and he will backstep if you shove him you will both be stunned, how do you fight him then?

You need to use both of these actions when it's appropriate, parry light attacks to stun and shove while he's charging the heavy attack to stun him for longer.

Abilities: charge, gatekeeper will charge at a player, stunning them when hit and dealing 35 dmg (spiked shoulder pad) if he misses his target he will exhaust himself leaving him vulnerable, rebounds off walls and stops himself at cliffs.

Special dodge: when struck may avoid all dmg and backstep, if he is pursued he will quickly punch the pursuer stunning them, if you walk backwards yourself he will taunt you, (may be an opening for quick players) remaim still and the fight resumes as normal.

(At low hp) rally call: calls the axe and sheild guard to assist in combat. (The guard moves faster until close to a player)

Debuff while fighting: honor bound

Cannot use guns and explosions deal less dmg.

He will be the only scav to speak.

"Come on den!"

"What? Did I scare you?"

"My Nan could dodge that!"

"OI! Give me a hand er!"

"Damm you agency...loyalists"

These are just a few

Apon death he will shoot a flare sending the castle after the players

Recently read blue's decaying winter collection, good on ya! Wish I had the creativity you do!

At this point I'm just writing stupid character details and personal lore, Y'know like a normal fanfiction you can stop reading here if ya want.

Agency log: report.

The raiders gained someone new, it's unusual for them to gain members.

But whoever this is, it seems the "sledgequeen" had taken a liking to them, like seeing a old friend. They arrived in medieval armor and carried a greatsword, unsurprisingly they became the gatekeeper, although I must admit, the sledgequeen gives him a kinder look compared to the others, once she even winked, warning to agency members he is very combat capable, every agent that fought him died, but Also dropped their guns, but for what reason?

Log corruption: come and try me cowards. And lay off the spying...

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