Soken has been a part of the agency for a while, she has taken the roal of support, always happy to assist her comrades.
(This was an odd decision but I decided, fuck it it's never stated this can't happen)
Sokens race is a neko, for those unaware nekos are basically humans with cat ears and sometimes tails and have cat-like behavior, pretty sure they can purr. (Ripping furniture not included)
Apart from the catness, soken is very kind and sweet, makes you wonder why she joined a agency.
Quite unfamiliar with guns, mute often takes time to help soken learn how to use firearms.
While you could say soken is a living furry, and while you wouldn't be wrong, half the agency would like to see you in a bodybag, sokens loved by a majority of agents for her welcoming attitude.
She's studied and practiced first aid for 10 years, she's invaluable for long term missions, but is often inside the agency helping those who returned wounded.
Soken dose sometimes act a little devious, cats are tricksters after all
Here's some moments with soken.
Soken is patching up Sal who sustained severe bullet wounds.
"Sorry these are pretty deep in, glad you made it back alive"
"Yeah, have to say the scavs are stepping up their assaults, Lotta guns this time around"
Soken finnished bandaging sals wounds
"That should be good to go Sal, anything else you need help with before you head off?"
"What? Usually the doctor kisses the wound to help it heal faster...well that's what my mother did when I was young"
See thing about soken, she is a little simple when it comes to sarcasm and such, so she assumed Hey maybe that will work.
"Alright then"
"Wait what- that was a joke are you actually going to do that?"
"Hey if it helps ya"
"But it literally- fine"
More the reason people like soken. Fearless...or maybe oblivious to sarcastic requests.
Dexios quarters.
"Hey soken come here a sec"
"Ye? What is it?"
H e a d p a t s
"Oh sorry is this not- I'd only asume it would-"
Soken interrupts dexio with light purring
"It dose feel nice"
10 minutes later.
Natasha enters dexios quarters
"Yeah found those vials you were-"
Dexio was trapped under soken, purring loudly
"This is my life now, I'm the chosen one, I bring this precious being joy"
Natasha slowly walks backwards out of dexios quarters.
This lasted for 3 hours until mute found dex and soken.
"Please help me mute she won't move and I'm afraid to stop petting her"
Mute carefully lifts soken off dexio
"I can breathe holy shit"
6 was behind mute
"You actually managed to pet soken unconscious, how long were you trapped under her"
"My entire life"
Soken was still very loudly purring
"Well it's going to be fun seeing everyone's face while we bring soken back to her quarters, uhh good luck recovering from clinical cat petting syndrome"
The walk back did include several confused agents and initiates seeing 2 men carrying a unconscious, loudly purring, cat lady. Good times
Soken was so content, she apparently forgot this even happened.
decaying winter Perk And Other Ideas
FanfictionThese concepts can be used in your story's! It's both my brain pumping out shit and a community story, hell you don't gotta credit me I don't really care, make whatever you want and use the concepts as you please.