Future: Reality check.

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From here on, time periods will be mentioned in the title to avoid confusion.

HV was deployed to be a decoy for this next mission, one of his favorite duties.

While the main force got Into position to ready the sabotage, HV would keep attention on himself until his allies set the charge.

However, in his usual rebellious behavior he turned his earpiece off, meaning he would have no idea when the charge was set and to pull out.

But you suggested he wasn't more interested in fucking with people.

The only thing he payed attention to was the signal to make noise.

Right when the squad mate gave him the signal he jumped through the window of the supplies depot, landing on top of storage shelves.

HV:"Hey Retards! Get a load of this!"

HV gave the enemy the most sincere middle finger anyone has seen.

The enemy fired apon HV, dashing out of the way, as he dodged the incoming fire he made sure to frequently make them madder by being a fucking gremlin, knocking stuff over, kicking people in the nuts, maybe taking his job a little too seriously, or maybe not serious enough.

He got to the point he even got closer to make them miss him at close range, to further piss them off.

Even grabbing a guy and using them as a shield.

His team had long already planted the charge and were trying to tell him to retreat before detonation, being a time bomb and not a trigger bomb.

Little to his obliviousness he knocked a stack of oil barrels over, intentionally to make the enemy slip, but the oil poured all the way to the bomb.

A 5 minute fuse and HV was there for almost 5 minutes just having the time of his life.

But slowly feeling a creeping exhaustion, knowing his limits he finally decided to pull out.

But he was too late.

The bomb detonated, at first HV was more hyped over a dramatic escape, but when the stack he was standing on toppled over, that quickly changed into his first time feeling true fear.

He braced for the explosion.

His senses slowly returned, still in the burning depot, being carried by an armored figure.

His eyes began focusing, the armor had engraved markings, they spelt.


The person back at the agency HV was constantly tormenting with his tricks, he was saving him?!

HV also felt burning pain, there were bits of shrapnel lodged in him, for the first time in his life, he was truly afraid.

Six busted down the door, the original ship had left, and a rescue shuttle came for HV.

It was only six and soken, but the main threat was already dealt with.

Not even caring anymore, HV hugged six, saying thank you repeatedly.

Six:"yeah, you have a reputation for being un-killable, not like a little fire was going to take you down"

(Haha get it? His flaw?"

Six wasn't very good with other people being emotional, dispite how emotional he is, just trying to get HV to start bragging again.

But that didn't happen.

HV has pyrophobia.

His embrace on six didn't weaken.

He then started apologizing to six.

"I'm sorry, i- why did you, of all people come for me?"

Six:"I might not like you, but I'm not going to stand there and watch a kid die, what do you have to be sorry for?"


Six:"stop, I'm old enough to know that people your age are like this, I also know your going to go back into being annoying when this is over, this ain't the time for another one of your pranks"

Hv:"i-im not- this isn't-"

Six decided to stop scolded the poor lad, seems like he's really been beat out of himself.

Six:"soken, treat what needs to be treated, we're headed back to the agency and hopefully our friend here will stop being- (sigh) I mean, learns a bit about communication from this"


Soken:"I told you, you were going to get hurt if you kept this up"

Though he still acts deviously, it's rarely on allies much anymore, though not fully knocked out of his childish behavior, he definitely grew a little and responds to team mates.

Between you and me, we might see him get really set into place, but that's another time.

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