ii. heartbreak hurts

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"Heartbreak hurts" I cry on my best friend's shoulder.

"I wouldn't know- also, check out my quinque! I call it Juuzou's Jason" He holds it out like the fucking maniac he is with his left hand, nearly slicing me in half. I continue to cry on his shoulder, not caring if I made it soaked with my fresh tears.

"Oh come on (Y/N), you know you can't keep moping like this forever! Want me to give you a stitch? we could be matching!" he adds an exaggrated sigh and literally throws his weapon on the floor, tilting his head, muttering what design of stitching would I have with his devious hands. Currently, we were in the CCG Laboratory Division with Shinohara and an awkward Kouitsu standing on the sidelines but we both didn't care. 

I hear someone clear their throat. 

"Excuse me (Y/N)-san but Juuzou-kun is currently on duty. Maybe, you could perhaps come back later?" They seemed confused to when the hell did I even enter the building and most importantly, how. 

I look up at the gruff man with teary and red eyes, done soaking my best friend's clothing.

"Have you ever been in love?" I croak and he was caught off guard. Juuzou is quick to push me aside and grab his Jason piece of shit or something. Shinohara blinks before scratching his head.

"I....have...b-but we shouldn-"

"Were they a dick?" I cut him off, sniffling as my tears had abruptly stopped.

He wasn't sure how to react or to respond for a few seconds but seeing that I was still piercing through his soul and would not likely move my ass if he doesnt move his mouth first, he sighs. 


It made me burst into tears and cry harder. Shinohara winced. 

>>>>>>>    <<<<<<<<

you betrayed me
and i know that youll never feel sor-

"Jeez. Ive heard this for what? the 37th time?" Touka punches the bluetooth speaker I had placed on my booth. I gasp slightly, she did not just cut off olivia rodrigo. 

good for you, you look happy and healt-

She groans and picks up the speaker, smashing it on the ground. I gave her an offended face and glare. She only rolls her eyes and sits down in front of me. Her face irritated and had the audacity to glare at my now broken electronic.

"Seriously? He left (Y/N)" She mutters and looks at me in disapproval.

"Without breaking up with me first" I add. She gave me a look that said I wasnt helping.

"I think, it means leaving was a way of breaking things off" 

I stay silent. And sniffed. Her face erupted into panic as she knows what is about to happen next. Quickly, she looks around for something. I open my mouth and speak.

"What a dick move" I mutter and this time, I dont cry. She looks at me warily and with alert before waiting for a seconds, probably for my upcoming wailing. It never came though, and her shoulders relax. I pull up my phone and make her stare at the screen.

"Should I try tinder?"

She throws away my phone. 

I guess that was a no. 

>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<

"I think you've had too much to drink" Hide stares at the bottles laid out in front of me. I dunno where we were. I look around and saw so many stuffed animals! ohhh, we went to a fair?

I instantly jump and run around. My eyes widening at these pretty creatures. I heard someone shout my name but a panda with pink eyes were certainly far important than anything else. I swoon at the sight and held out my hand to boop its nose.

I am pulled backwards though. 

"That. is not something we should touch!" Touka shouts at me, I stare at her. Pandas were adorable right?

Hide pants from behind her and I see Nishio grimacing.

"Eighteen year olds really love to drink nowadays" Nishio says and pulls me towards them. Why? I dont undestand, its just a panda!

"That is not a panda....ha......thats a box of condoms (Y/N)" Hide says and I look back to see if what he said is true.

There, the panda that I had just seen a moment ago was replaced with condoms labeled with different flavors. I shuddered. Did dick taste that bad that they had to produce flavors?

Touka coughs and pulls me harder, running even. "God (Y/N), youre such a mess without him, huh?" she says and I could barely control my legs to move with her pace. Curse my physical abilities. Nishio chuckles sadistically before taking a swig at his coffee.

"Shes heartbroken after all, they dated since when?"

"Since...when she turned sixteen" Hide finishes and I was too busy with my head spinning. 

"Ahh. Highschool sweethearts"

I groan and nearly fall off. I felt like what? six hands trying to steady my body. 

Suddenly, a bright flash envelopes my entire vision and everyone was screaming something.

"what the-"


I heard their shouts but I couldnt open  my eyes with the heavyness. I decided, maybe a llittle nap wouldnt hurt, right?

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