vii. adele sets fire to the rain

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"Again, how did you escape?"

I muffle down a scream as I felt the wires shock my body with electricity. The metal object binding my feet clanking loudly.

"If you're not going to answer then you're going to be dead"

I hung my head down and breathe heavily. My arms tied with with chains, my feet were tied as well. My waist was tightly sealed with a circular rod.

It was painful. Very painful but I wasn't going to answer him. I didnt even know the answers myself.

I scream quietly as the buzzer rings again. My body shaking.

Why did I have to blip here again?

"I'm....." I whisper weakly. I could feel liquid coming out of my scars. I breathe in and pause.

I felt another wave of electricity hit me again and this time, I was too tired to care. My eyes shut tight as I hiss.

"You're what?" The guy behind those doors was getting impatient.

"Suck my dick" I spit at the floor.


"Hide, where's (Y/N)?" Despite the uneasiness he felt about hide knowing what he really was. His curiosity stood strong.

Hide sets down the cup of coffee.

"I don't know.....there was a flash...then...she was gone...?..." His eyes worried and confused.

"I thought there was a ghoul but there wasn't. I looked everywhere for her in this area" he adds.

Kaneki's eyes widen. "She blipped? To where?" He steps forward with immediate attention.

"Huh...?....blipped?" Hide tilts his head. Kaneki hears liquid dropping somewhere but he's entirely more focused about the current situation.

"Didn't she blip? Atleast once? In front of you guys?"

This is getting bad. If she blipped to CCG.....

"No? but...there was this strange thing. She was really drunk one night, almost falling for some err boxes-" Hide clears his throat. "When we pulled her, she shot forward almost letting a car hit us and after that....she seemed lifeless"

That got his attention. Forgetting to even cover his ghoul eye at this point.

"Lifeless? How?"

Drip. Liquid was heavily dropping again. He could only hear it though, he didn't know where the sound came from.

"She didn't talk, didn't blink, she looked like she wasnt even breathing. We were worried lots. The whole night Touka watched over her" Hide sips on his coffee and expressed his distaste.

Not even breathing?

"And then? What happened after?" Kaneki moved closer to him. Hide offered him the poor taste of coffee.

"She woke up, fine" hide gives him a thumbs up.

Then he smiles sadly "After that, you could say she went rogue, like you" Kaneki frowns.

Went rogue?

"We haven't seen her in nearly three weeks. We thought she was going through that phase again" Hide winces visibly.

kissing a ghoul | Ken Kaneki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now