iii. i think i just broke my spine for the fifth time

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I didn't get my sweet so called nap.

Nor was I drunk anymore. I was apparently and magically became sober.

My bum hit a cushion and I bounced for about five times and blink. Juuzou was sitting next to me and I smiled. Boy was I glad to see my best friend!

But however, he looked at me with wide eyes then a devious smile developed on his face.

"(Y-Y/N)-san? H-how did you-" I hear the familiar voice from my front and I turn in confusion. Seeing shinohara, I voice out my surprise. "Shino! What are you doing here?" I smile wide, I could use some company with whatever the fuck just happened.

"I-i think the question is what are you doing here?"

"Huh what do you mean?"

"You blipped. Or if we should even call it that. That's amazing....I wonder if you're a ghoul...after all this time, I don't think I have seen a ghoul like this" Juuzou says suddenly and looks at me in curiousity.

I frown. If I were a ghoul I'd be beating up Ken's ass.

"I would find and kill Ken if I was one"

"Which means you are not" he finishes and someones phone rings.

I didn't get the chance to hear the conversation though as another pounding headache invades my mind and a sudden flash comes again. I swore the car we were riding just now was about to hit a post.

I open my eyes and blink.

I saw the ceiling. However it was getting smaller and smaller each second and the slap of my hair on my face makes me stare. I scream and panic as I see everyone literally shooting bullets with their guns. I turn to the other side and widen my eyes.


"Who the hell is that?" Someone asks and I'm glad my hair was covering my entire face.

Someone from below me was talking.

It's that guy. The one who wants touka dead!

I see a bullet about to collide with my left eye and I close my eyes and cover myself as if it'd work from all the bullets that were currently being shot.

Though I don't feel any bullet or pain.

I open my eyes and I was sure my spine was about to hit the floor.


It did. My breath got knocked away and my whole body bounced from the sudden impact. It hurt. Like hell. Blood spilled from my mouth as I groan. Everything hurt. Even breathing.

"How....the hell did I not get hit by a bullet but broke my spine" it hurt like shit to talk but being the dumbass I was, I spoke.

And another ass of a headache came.

Suddenly, I could breathe alright. I was standing, my spine was complete. It wasn't broken.

I just stand there. In shock. I was in a room full of metal doors, alone.

What the hell was happening?

And why am I completely unscathed and completely fine. Wasn't my back broken just a second ago?

Blinking again once another flash came.

I scream loudly as I see a blade tearing apart a ghoul.

"juuzou?!!" I shout as he continues to wipe them out. He gives me a glance from his back. I gape my mouth at our position. I was piggy back riding him. What the hell.

"Why are you on my back" he mutters before merely dodging an attack. I bend backwards and watch as the ghouls neck snap.

"I dont know!"

"Take this- and that! Do you want this too?!" He screams like a bastard with adrenaline rushing. I can't believe my best friend would be a thirsty blooded murderer.

"What the fuck! Are you a ghoul or something? You're this eager for blood?!" I shout as I am continuously being dragged left to right or up by his movements. I tightened the grip I had on his neck. Praying I wouldn't get hit with whatss his name. Juuzou jr. Or Jason Derulo.

"Y-youre choking me" he spits out.

I let my grip hold tighter.

Hoping that he really does choke after almost slicing me apart a few attacks ago.

I closed my eyes as I swear the ghouls ability would hit my face.

>>>>>>> <<<<<<<

My spine broke again.

I landed on my back after another flash came. My breath was knocked away and red liquid spilled out from my back and from my mouth. My lungs hurt much more than the last time.

"Oh? Who is that?" I heard someone. His voice was not familiar to me, at all.

Trying to sit up. I grunt and groan, forcing my body to move. Everything hurt, my ears were ringing. I panted as I looked in front of me.

"You've brought a friend? How pathetic" A huge man says deeply as I look at him.

Talk about a carbon copy of erens titan form.

I cough and it filled my whole lungs with liquid I know I have lost enough.

He holds his nose up and sniffs.

"She doesn't smell like a ghoul....not human either"

What? I'm not human? Then what the fuck was I? A dinosaur?

I grit my teeth, it would be a good time for another flash or another respawn. The huge man laughs as he walks towards me. I push myself against the steel door.

"Your aroma is...tempting....I'll devour you after I'm done with this menace" he smiles sadistically at me, I was too busy telling my back to stop being such a pussy before he suddenly turns back.

I meet familiar grey eyes.

He looked shocked as he stared at me. There was a dullness in his eyes I haven't seen before. His face had gotten more handsome. His mouth part and his jaw bob up and down.

He looked sexy though and God I hate hormones.

"On second thought, I'll kill you first" Erens Walmart version turns to me. Hunger radiating off his eyes. With my body so weak and unstable, I gave him the finger.

What an ass

He marched towards me with animalistic intentions. I felt my heart beat with anxiety.

Im going to die Im going to die Im going to die

I shut my eyes and brace for impact.

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