iv. ken kaneki is a dickhead

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I wrap my thighs around his abdomen tighter.

Hugging his neck, pulling his head closer as I try not to wince. I bite my lip so hard that it should be enough to draw blood. My body felt like it was on fire, since when was the last time someone held me this close? And with such tenderness too.

"Where are you going? Oh, is she someone special? I won't hurt her, just a little bite!" The hostile ghoul aims for us. He was such a bad gaslighter. I let out a small cry as my body ache.

"It'll be alright (Y/N)" The calmness of his voice was soothing but with the situation, it did little to help.

"Shut up Kaneki" I answer back and regret doing so, it felt like someone was piercing through my lungs.

If he's hurt by my statement, he didn't show, he doesn't reply either. I grit my teeth, why were boys so complicated. Why do they pretend to be emo.

Sighing, I pull back and look at him.

He gave me a glance, our eyes meeting at a close range for the first time. His eyes looked empty, lifeless and his face had highlighted even more. Clicking my tongue, I leaned in.

Ugh.....I hate my emotions so much.......I missed him so much

I placed a soft kiss on his cheek.

And quickly placed my head on his neck. I can't look at him in the eye, I was so embarassed.

The pause on his breath told me he was caught off guard and I flew away from him. My head hitting the steel structure before I am looking down. I couldn't move a thing.

"(Y/N)!" I hear him shout for my name.

I see him releasing his kagune, his back facing me.


I hate that name so much

Ken was trying his best from making the other ghoul get to me. He was however thrown into the concrete wall, my eyes went over to his figure, concern from me. I wondered if he'll be alright.

Because I was going to kick his ass right after.

"Your scent is getting more delicious by the second" he leans, his huge face in front of me. He opens his mouth, showing his sharp teeth.

I close my eyes.

I felt a wave of coolness wash over me and that was just about it. I peak one eye open and the ghoul stared at me. I stare back, why isn't he eating me.

"Why can't I eat you"

What did he mean

I'm pulled by someone though. The dash of white hair and black clothing made me know who it was. He had so much blood spilling out of his mouth, he was gritting his teeth in unreleased anger. I look at him.

"You should stop pushing yourself"

He runs faster, wanting for us to get away from the ghoul.

"I can't lose you" I don't expect his answer though. I held my breath.

"Come home, Ken. I miss you" I murmur, just enough for him to hear. It was true, I really did fucking miss him.

He stopped breathing for a second there. He opened his mouth but no words come out. I only saw white growing by every second.

>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<

"You're finally awake" I push my droopy eyes open. Seeing touka by my side along with hinamis cute worried eyes.

kissing a ghoul | Ken Kaneki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now