ix. lose you too

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Last chapter definitely hinted some smut but however! That chapter will not be included in this book. Sorry not sorry you horny readers <333

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He wasn't here.

I grip the blanket softly. My eyes looking left and right abruptly. I don't see a white haired male. My heart sunk.

Then I hear a door open, steam came out before I finally see his outline. I let out a sigh of relief before I immediately went down. My feet touching the cold floor. My clothes instantly went wet when I took his form with my arms. He lets out a soft grunt.

"You okay?"

Soft, worried and surprised. I inhale, smelling his usual scent.

"I thought you left" I was still holding him, he hesitates to put his arm around my back.

"I said I wouldn't" he reminds me before fully embracing me. It was then did I realize, he had no clothes on. I yelp before suddenly pushing his chest.

He looks at me in confusion.

I gape my mouth at his solid chest with very very very visible muscles, his jawline, collarbone and the V line down on his- I look up and flush. My eyes meeting his amused ones.

I make a run for a hasty u-turn. But I'm glued in place.

I don't turn around when he softly holds my wrist, I don't open my eyes when I felt my waist being warm. He lets out a woman swooning worthy chuckle. He puts his chin on my shoulder.

"You weren't like this last night"

His tone is teasing. His voice is low and husky and I want to punch his face but the freezing heat that invades my body makes me stuck in place.

"I-i wasn't-" I stammered poorly.

"Hmm?" His breath hits my neck, sending goosebumps.

My face became hotter and he finally lets me go with a soft chuckle. I glare at him underneath my lashes before turning around and plopping myself on the bed. He was only wearing a towel around his waist, I shake my head wondering why I was thinking of his dripping wet bo- nope. I cover my face with a blanket when I see him taking out his clothes. "You can stop hiding now" from the sounds of it, he was really amused.

"I don't have clothes" I mutter, putting the fabric down. Seeing him with a black turtleneck was not helping me at all.

"Borrow mine. You do that before"

I did. Before, but now it felt necessary to ask him now.

"Okay" then I gesture for him to get the fuck out. He does so, saying a formal goodbye as he walks out.

How could someone be so formal after what we did?

Looking at the drawers, I pull it forward. Smiling as I see his clothes, I wasn't going to return them, ever.


My hypothermia must have died down. After bathing in hot steaming water, I felt better. As if I was refreshed. Holding up the pieces of clothing, I decided I was going to ditch the pants. It was loose, too loose for my liking. I stuck with a white button up shirt and some boxers.

I smiled at my reflection.

Knock knock

"Are you...." I open the door to find Kaneki staring at me. Glancing down briefly before holding eye contact once again.

"Hungry?" He hands me a bag of McDonald's and walks away.

I struggle a bit to follow him. And as usual, he notices my discomfort. "Are you cold?" His cute eyes were swelling with concern and I shake my head. Cheeks already mushy.

"No- I'm just-" I was planning to not even talk about what was bothering me. But he looked really concerned.

"I'm just- sore"

I force the word out. He blinks before his whole face becomes red, mine too.

"Oh" he says quietly. He scratches his head in nervousness, he obviously didn't know how to handle the aftermath of what I was feeling. I chose to ignore the slight pain and place myself on the chair.

"D-do I need to buy anything? Or....get a doctor?" He trails off akwardly. I wave my hand in nonchalance.

"It's fine. It'll go away eventually" my mouth devouring the burger with satisfaction. I chewed, savoring the flavor then glance at him. He was already looking at me, staring, studying. I tilt my head.

He walks towards me then bends down. Moving the fabric of my shirt up a bit before he places his warm hand on my stomach. I blush prefusely.

"Does this help?" He looks up to meet my eyes and our faces near.

It did help. I nod my head.

Then he smiles. It's pretty and it's even more lavishing when he's in such close proximity to me.

I continue to take two bites then I'm already hugging him, he easily catches me with ease.  He picked up a book on his dresser and sits on the bed, already opening a page where he left his bookmark. Me sitting on his lap while my head rests upon his chest. I stop and face him.

"What if I blip?"

"Just come back to me"

"But- I'm-" he looks up to me.



Remembering those words sent a shiver. I was going to die anytime and anywhere. The manager said it to me to warn me, to stop myself from whatever that was happening.

"My body can't handle it" I say slowly, as if to make him or even myself understand.

From the looks of it, he didn't know how to react.

"God, I'm so scared Ken. I don't want to die this young" I hold a hand on my face and frowned. There were times I did want to die but knowing that death was really coming scared me.

"You're not dying" his tone is in denial.

I stare as he shakes his head "You're not dying" he repeats.

Then he peers at me, his face becoming into a sense of realization and despair.

"Am I going to lose you too?"

kissing a ghoul | Ken Kaneki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now