viii. hypothermia at its best

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"dying slowly....?.."

He hums in reply. Sipping on his own cup of coffee. I frown, why was I dying?

"What do you mean? I feel fine- other than the psychotic tortue. I'm not even ill!"

He sighs softly. "From the amount of torture you will be going through, I'm not sure if you'll survive. But however the reason why you're dying is because of your powers. It's taking your lifespan" he finishes with a blank stare.

"I still have a few years then? That's fine-"

"Lets say, the more you use this power. The stronger your mind gets and the weaker your body is. You may not feel it but you will see the changes"

My head was spinning.

"I'm still young though, I can't die this early! I'm still a virgin" I cry out in horror.

I would never have two or three kids and our pet tiger?!

He rose an eyebrow. Cant- can't he see how much this was a big deal for me as a millennial!

"Alright Mrs. Kaneki, I think I should have told you much later. I'm trying my best to keep you from dying. Right now, your body is in a state of hypothermia"

"Hypothermia? Why? The room was so hot" I frown. Some things were not adding up. If he was secretly a sadist and mentally ill then I must be mentally ill myself.

He laughs, heartily.

I knew it. He's a sadist. He's a sicko. He's a runner. He's a trackstar

"You really love him, huh?" He shakes his head and I open my mouth in confusion.



"Wait a second. What am I supposed to do?! Do I need to go to the hospital?" I try to run towards the old man but he was seemingly moving far away without even taking a step. He only stood in place.

I held out my hand in desperation. He didn't even speak, just looking at me.

"Where did I even get my powers from?!" I cry out.

"Through the power of Olivia Rodrigo's music" he speaks finally.

I look at him.



"An old geezer has to joke around sometimes" he chuckles. Before turning serious. "Maybe kissing a ghoul or loving one made you inherit a glitch of abilities"

I tilt my head and frown. Everything was spinning and moving like gooey slime.


I gasp for air. Staring at me back were worried and very concerned grey eyes.

Was this why the room felt warm?

I instantly circled my arms around his neck. Holding him closer, my heart immediately thumping. I unknowingly let out some tears.


"You're freezing" he holds my waist closer. My chest hitting his, I remember that he used to blush a lot whenever my breast would hit his chest when he hugged.

"I'm not" but the constant shaking of my arms and legs told me otherwise.

I really was freezing but I didn't feel it.

My body was too tired to function, I couldn't control anything except my mouth. He pulled me in a bridal position and glanced around. My eyes weakly scanning our surroundings. We were in a nice place, a hotel I think. He softly places me down on a fluffy cushion. Realizing it was a bed.

kissing a ghoul | Ken Kaneki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now