xi. in the club

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"Haise Sasaki?" I studied him, closely.

He looked like Kaneki.

"That would be me, miss" he smiled formally and slightly bowed. I furrowed my features. What were the possibilities of a person having the exact same face of someone you know?

He didn't have black nor white hair, he had a mixture of both. White covered the outside strands of the inner black. He also wore a white suit with black buttons. It fit him well. Was he his twin? But he was an only child. Maybe his cousin? His aunt didn't have any children. I glance at juuzou but he suddenly disappeared.

"Are you looking for Suzuya-kun?"

I look back to this Sasaki person.

"He's an interesting one. He gave me some money and a wallet. I'll be returning it back to him" he smiles awkwardly.

Didnt Juuzou steal Kaneki's wallet?

"Are you really Sasaki?"

He blinks. His eyes had the same color as him. And he opens his left part of the jacket, shuffling for something before he holds up a rectangular card.

As truth. His said name was displayed.

But he felt familiar

I nod. "Am I going to be in your squad?"

"Yeah. We might need your help, there's an ongoing report of a ghoul sextrafficking in a local club. We want you to be our bait"

Kaneki wouldn't make me bait

"So am I going to be slicing my skin?" I asked sarcastically.

"No" he smiles a bit, eyes amused.

"The ghoul likes to talk to pretty girls and fortunately, we have you" if I didn't know better, he had a tint of pink but then he was already showing me the way out to our meeting room.


My dress hung unto every curve. I pulled down the fabric, feeling a chill hitting my legs. Putting lipstick of seductive red in front of the mirror as I cursed about my poor choice of outfit.

Why did this dress have to be short?

My breasts were slightly exposed, just about two or three inches then it would be fully shown to the world. I felt uncomfortable in the slightest but knowing that I had no choice but to cooperate, I sighed. My shoulders weren't covered. I was wearing a black tight dress with straps and some high heels that had long designs of ribbons.

I gave myself a once over. I didn't look like the person who I was.

The woman staring at me back looked like a player, I couldn't deny though. I looked really pretty and quite sexy if I may add.

"(Y/N)? We're all set" I hear the familiar voice of Saiko Yonebayashi.

Opening door, instantly feeling s cool chill emitting from my body. I smiled grimacingly. The pretty girl with blue hair being tied in pigtails. Her blue eyes blinked. She looked up and down with no shame before a huge smile erupted from her.

"Woah! You look really hot. Like smoking hot" she literally would not stop looking at me.

I hugged myself. "I feel cold, really cold though" I deadpan as she gives a tiny laugh. I turn towards Tooru to find out she was looking at me with some emotion with her eyes.

kissing a ghoul | Ken Kaneki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now