v. life's no intendo game

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I woke up with a pounding headache. Everything was white, no like, literally. The walls and floors were bleach bright.

I look around for any signs of other people. But however, I am completely isolated.

Was it me or did the room just paint into even more white?

Closing my eyes at the sudden increase of brightness. I let out a shaky breath. A second later, I felt coldness enter my throat and I am greeted with the sight of a blue haired boy glaring at me.

I look down and see his arm extended towards me. Specifically, as if he was trying to choke my neck.

But to no avail, his hand went through. It's like I was a ghost.

He retracted his hand with a sneer. I knew who he was, information from touka, herself.

"Ayato kirishima?"

I shouldn't have said a thing to be honest. Based on the sudden murderous look he gave me. He wanted to kill me on the very spot. He looked like he really truly indeed loathe me.

"What the hell....are you doing here"

I didn't know to be honest. 🤯 (Help wtf this emoji suddenly spawned when I opened the draft)

"I don't know"

"You're with touka" he says her name as if it's burnt his tongue.

"I am. Well, I am but I'm alone. It's like- i don't have any way of communicating with her" why the hell was I even explaining my current state to a guy with daddy issues.

He rose an eyebrow at me.

I sigh and make myself at home at his bloody office, I can smell something rotting. I sit on a nice cushioned chair.

"The CCG or you know those guys think I'm a ghoul. I got captured and woke up in a white room. And I'm here....with you. Is Kaneki here?"

Ayato scoffed. "It's always Kaneki here, Kaneki that. He's out, probably feeding"

Kaneki eating people...

"Can you take me there, to wherever he is" I saw him grit his teeth in annoyance.

"You're annoying. It makes my blood boil, I can't have you go around, you might rot us out. I can't even lay a finger on you"

"I don't even know where I am" I deadpan. Someone seriously had placed his panties in a twist.

He glares.

>>>>>> <<<<<<

Kaneki was always an organized person. But when it comes to literature, he was utterly a mess.

I look around his room, seeing books in different places. It was really unorganized, the books were the only thing that wasn't properly placed into their rightful shelves.

"He's always such a mess with books"

"I said I don't know where he is, so you go into his room instead? Are you a stalker or something" I hear ayato complaining behind me.

"I'm his girlfriend so I should check up on him" I reply as I arrange the books.

"Girlfriend? An annoying brat like you? You have no idea what the world is. A ghoul like him with a human like you? It makes me laugh" after he's done with his little girly speech, I dust off my hands.

kissing a ghoul | Ken Kaneki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now