vi. anteikou is dead

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I have been drugged.

I woke up once again. It had been awhile since I have last seen Kaneki or my friends in Anteikou. But I knew for sure, CCG had something in mind. If I remember Juuzou's words of excitement about getting to use more of his new weapon before I fainted right on the floor. 

Shinohara must have drugged the coffee I was drinking. 

I punched the wall once again, I had a bad feeling. If they were going to attack Anteikou then it was going to be bloodshed. I heard them whisper a coffee shop when I was being transferred to another room, this room was all metal with only a bed in place.

Kaneki would be there, he would be trying to save us

I grit my teeth and punch the metal only to feel pain producing my hand. 

I needed to blip

I closed my eyes, praying I wasn't too late for the fight. Even if I had no experience with fighting, I needed to help them with all my might and everything that I had. I feel a headache and open my eyes hastily. I see a huge cloud of ash and fog and my heart dropped. The war had already started.

I move to the right, almost colliding with a kagune. 

It looked familiar. 

"(Y/N)?" I hear someone call for my name. But then I felt a strong grip on my arm, I frown and look up, seeing the familiar icy eyes of a CCG investigator.

"You're with ghouls?" He tightened his grip on my arm and I let out a small cry at the bruise that was already forming.

"I-I'm not-" I try to claw his hand away from my arm. I knew he was one of the strongest in the organization. His name started with Amon if I remember. He gripped tighter and stared at me but before he could get another out. A tentacle like being hits his face, making his hold on me disappear. 

I instinctively took a step back and rubbed my arm. It hurt to touch it. 

I hear him let out a grunt, fog blurred my vision as I feel something wrap around my body and I am being slightly flown up the air. I open my eyes and freeze at the sight. 

Kaneki was here

He looked a bit tired and dull, had I interrupted their fight? I wanted to say something but he looked to the right, waiting for something. Amon is quick to attack with his quinque. Kaneki's kagune holding me tight as he tries to dodge.

"Eyepatch, how do you know her!"

Kaneki doesn't answer and he initiates an attack with one of his tentacles. 

My heart was racing. This felt like how we attacked aogiri's tree base while trying to rescue him. I close my eyes shut as I see Amons face getting nearer with rage. I had no idea why he was trying to attack me and not Kaneki.

"(Y/N), come here. You're going to get killed" he grunts as they attack once again.

What's going to get me killed is your weapon

I glance at Kaneki, he was too busy fighting. I wasn't helping, I was giving him a disadvantage and giving Amon an upper hand of attacking.

I claw the tentacle holding me.

Kaneki's shoulders became tense as he looks at me with a bit of confusion and rage.

From his surprised state, I took advantage of it and dropped down. My feet hitting the concrete, I hiss at the pain of shoes hitting it with such height.

I widen my eyes as I make eye contact with the Amon guy. "Someone take a check on room B5, I better know how did you let her escape" I hear him mutter but I already turned around and forced my legs to be useful as ever.

kissing a ghoul | Ken Kaneki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now