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| backstory |
y/n is seventeen, she was about to move and wasn't the most excited. she only knew dustin (her brother who lived there while she moved away a few years back). her mother passed away in a car accident a few months back...

| y/n's pov |
i was packing, ready to move. i was so excited but so nervous at the same time. the only person ik in hawkins is dustin, what am i gonna do, what if no one likes me there, i don't want to move but i don't want to stay here either. dad started to help me put my stuff in the moving truck. "dad i'm not to sure about this, i mean what about all the memories with mum here?" i asked. " you'll be fine sweetie, i'm
sure you'll have the best time in hawkins, even if it means leaving the memories behind", " i looked back at him, "i love you dad" "i love you too nugget" he said with a smile. he had always called me nugget, i loved my dad, he was my best friend, he was always there when i needed him.

| time skip~next morning |

"nugget, we're leaving soon" he yelled from the kitchen. "i'll be down soon i'm getting dressed" i yelled from upstairs. i had to get the last of my clothes and find a way to fit them in my suitcase, i was already struggling to close it before, how on earth am i ment to do this i thought to myself. i ran downstairs and saw dad had cooked breakfast "ooo smells good dad, thank you" "your welcome y/n". i finished breakfast and went to get the rest of my stuff, i shoved it all in the boot alongside dads stuff. "you ready to go?" he asked me, "yes dad, i'm all packed!" i yelled from out the front. "come here" he said "look at the house one last time" "i'll be right in" i ran inside and did one last lap, making sure i didn't forget anything, "all set" i yelled from upstairs. " alright let's head off". he locked to door and walked outside.

we started driving off and i was getting nervous again, new people, new school, new town, and i know almost no one, what am i ment to do.

| time skip~ next day |

we'd finally arrived at hawkins. we pulled into the driveway of the house we were moving into. the truck was already there and i saw dustin unpacking the stuff. "DUSTIN" i yelled running up to him giving him the biggest hug i had ever given. "y/n, i missed you" he said pulling away from the hug, "i've missed you too dusty". dustin and i were always really close when we were little, he was the only person i ever cared to hangout with, i used to hang off him like a leech. then we got moved, mum wanted a fresh start, i wasn't keen on it but then soon loved it, i'm hoping it'll be like that here too.

"y/n" dustin said, i snapped my neck his direction and nodded "would you like to sit with me at school, well, seems you know no one yet" he said with his hand on the back of his neck "yes ofc i do, what else would i do?" i laughed as i said to him "sweet, oh and you may hear people saying stuff about one of my friends, please just ignore them y/n" he said nervously. "sure not a problem, i'm going to unpack", i said to dad and dustin. "hold up, i'm coming to help" dustin said running inside following me.

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