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| y/n's pov |
i layed in his bed while he was on the phone, "yes yes steve calm down, oh whatever" i heard him say as he hung up. "ed's, what was that about" "oh it was just steve and robin, we'll mostly steve, he was calling because he had seen you with me a lot, and he said he fancied you so i-" i but it "no eddie, tell him i said no, i only want you" i said sitting up and moving closer to him. "y/n, why me, i don't want to sound annoying asking but there's steve and jason the basket ball nerd, who are both insanely popular and would make you look so good being with them and you would be so popular -" he kept rambling. "come on eddie, i'd rather date eddie 'the freak' munson and be happier than ever and be treated perfectly than be with jason or steve, i don't care about if i'm popular or not, i love you" i said, i was worried that the way we have said i love you was too soon but it was so true, i wasn't going to hold back. "m'lady" he said grabbing my hand and kissing it then coming in closer, "i love you too, please don't ever second guess it, the past two days have been incredible, i just hope you don't change your mind" he was rambling again, i didn't care, i could listen to him for hours.

i straddled him, i looked into his eyes, down at his lips and back up at his eyes again, he could tell what i wanted. he gave me a kiss and rested his head on me, hugging me as tight as he can. "please don't leave me" he whispered, "wasn't planning on it munson. we sat there for a few minutes, in silence, except it wasn't awkward, it was lovely. "you hungry?" i asked pulling back looking into his eyes again. "yeah kinda, what do you want, we can order if you want?" he replied. "hmm, don't know, munsons choice", "umm, wanna go out?" he asked. "eddie, are you asking me on a date?" i answered with another question. "it doesn't have to be, but yeah" he replied putting one hand on the back of his neck and the other on my thigh. "yes, it's a date, except, i have nothing good to wear" i said. "id prefers for you to be comfy than feel the need to dress up and be uncomfortable" he said. "thanks ed's, but where are we going?" i asked. "i know the perfect spot"

we ran out to the car, he was in a hellfire tee with a leather jacket and grey sweats and i was in pretty much the same thing without the leather jacket. he got the door for me, "m'lady" he said while gesturing for me to get it. "thank you munson" i replied while jumping in. he made me close my eyes, i kept trying to peak but he always caught me, putting his hand over my eyes to cover them.

i felt the car stop, suddenly, "we're here" he said. we were pulled up out the front of a house, it looked sketchy and run down. "i know it's not much sorry, but thought that counts?" he said shrugging his shoulders. he started reversing down the side of the house and we were at the shore of a lake. he helped me out of his van and opened up the back, and helped me into the back. "i have people coming, so we can actually eat, i mean giving the fact that's what we went out for" "thank you munson" i replied. we sat in the back and he grabbed pillows and blankets and set us up and bed. i was laying on his chest and then i saw lights shining on the trees around us. "he's here" he jumped up. "here freak" i heard someone say. "hey, don't call him that" i yelled with my head from the van. i jumped out and ran up. i was mad. "hey hey it's okay y/n, this is steve, he brought us dinner". "ohhh your the new y/n everyone's talking about, better in real life, i see why everyone's after you" steve said looking me up and down.  "back off harrington" eddie said. "calm it down edward" steve said snapping his neck towards him. i grabbed the bag and eddie's hand in my other hand. we ran off and i stopped and looked back, i saw steve staring. "eddie, what's he doing" i asked. "hey harrington, thanks for dinner, but you can go now" he yelled at him trying to tell him to fuck off. steve got in his car and rushed away, almost as if he was scared of eddie. eddie walked us to the van and helped me in, "i didn't know what you ate, and i wanted this to be somewhat special giving the fact that we are eating at my dealers place, sorry, but i got you this. he held up a bag, "what is it" i asked. "it's a cheeseburger" he was worried when he said it, "from Benny's?" i asked, i hadn't had Benny's in years. "yeah, here". i sat the burger next to me and gave him the biggest hug. "thank you munson" i whispered into his ear. "why are you so happy about it, it's only bennys, it's not a restaurant or anything" he said confused. "i grew up eating bennys when we couldn't afford much, thank you munson, i love you". his eyes lit up with joy, "your welcome darling" he replied.

after we wate we just layed there, i layed in his arms with my head on his chest, i'd never felt so safe. "hey munson, guess what, guess what" i kept bugging him till his answered. "yes?" he questioned. "your a freak" i said jokingly.
"uhh" he didn't know how to reply, "but guess what, your my freak" i whispered as i lent in kissing him.  "you know y/n, i love you, i want you in my future, i see us with two kids, on boy and one girl, a dog and we live in australia, in one of those nice houses, right along the beach". he said, and yes, i want that, but the prices there are crazy, let alone a house along the water. "how would we afford that?" i asked. "well, i kinda have a band" "YOU WHAT" i yelled jumping up, i was so suprised. "yeah we play out back of the dingy club near the movies, you know where?" he asked. "i'm coming next gig, when is it" i demanded. "tomorrow night, we play every monday, i was going to tell you before but i got side tracked". of course i wanted to go see him play, i didn't want to deal with the horny girls that wanted him tho, he's mine. "after school, we can go set up, and i can take you out for dinner, a proper date" he got nervous as he said that. "come on love, this is the best date, i mean i've never been on one till tonight, but i've seen them in movies, and i couldn't ask for anything better" i relplied.

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