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| y/n's pov |
after mine and eddie's classes we went to lunch, "here come sit with me darling". "darling huh?" i said looking up at him "oh what, you don't like it" he said looking almost sad, "oh no i like it sir" i replied with a smirk. "hmm sir?, damn you really know what to say y/n". he grabbed my hand as we got closer to the table, i saw dustin and three other boys sitting down, there was a seat at the end of the table, "this is our seat darling". "what-" i replied looking confused. before he could answer one of his friends said "what happened to only hellfire sitting here eddie?" a boy said, he had curtain bangs and wore a red flannel with short sleeves. "oh , i can go sit over there" i said pointing to a table where no one was sitting, "oh come on princess, i can't let you do that now can i".

he made me follow him to his seat and sat down, i stood there awkwardly and he grabbed my waist sitting me on his lap. "eddie, what do you have in your pocket?", dustin looked at me shocked "y/n, eddie's jeans don't have pockets, he only has it for looks". i jumped up, i had crazy butterflies but i didn't want to admit that, especially to someone i met this morning who was only ment to be like a taxi to get me to and from school, he said "oh , you don't want to sit y/n?" , i looked over to dustin, i waited for him to nod at me, i didn't want to seem like a hussy, especially with his friend. he nodded almost disappointed, i turned around to eddie, "give me a minute".

i grabbed dustin by the wrist and dragged him far enough away from the table so no one could hear us. "look dustin-" i was in the middle of my sentence and he cut me off. "look y/n," he paused and grabbed me shoulders, "if your comfortable, i don't mind, but if your not i will talk to him, i am here for you remember that" . i looked at him smiling, "thank you so much dusty, i love you".we were walking back to the table and eddie got up and started yelling stuff, "but as long as your into band, or science, or parties" he said with a disgusted look. "or a game where you toss balls into laundry baskets!" he yelled across the cafeteria with his hand round his mouth. "you want something g freak!" another guy yelled back. he looked like such a douche. eddie put his hands up making horns on his head and stuck his tounge out making a weird noise. he sat back down and i went and sat back on him, "oh y/n, so you do want to sit huh?" he said smirking. "yes i do" i said looking back at him, we were only centimetres away from each other's faces, at this point i was breathing heavier and heavier, "you okay sweetheart" he said grabbing my waist firmly. "yeah i'm okay ed's" i replied. eddie introduced me to his friends, "so this is dustin, which you already know, "wait what, i've never heard of him" i said sarcastically. "this mike," he pointed at mike, he was a dark haired boy looked around the same age as dusty, he gave me a little wave and put his head back down. "this is gareth and this is jeff" he said pointing to the two of them.

lunch was over and eddie was walking me to the last class we had for the day, he turned to me and went to speak and then paused, he looked down at his feet. i could tell he was nervous as. "yes ed's?" i said questioning him waiting for what he wanted to say. "do you know how gareth said only hellfire can sit at the table?" i freaked out thinking that he wouldn't want me to sit with him anymore. "yeah" i said nervously. "we'll it's a dnd club, we meet up twice a week and play, i was wondering if you wanted to tag along, we have a meet tonight so if you want you can come?". "dnd?" "yes, do you not know what it is" he said surprised. "i love that game, me and dusty used to play before i moved away, i'd love to come". dustin came up behind me and scared me. "omg dusting what would've happened if i hit you, i would be so dead" , "sorry y/n" "omg i'm just shitting with you, it's okay". eddie tapped on my shoulder trying to get my attention back, "so a yes?" i was so happy "of course i will, but only if you can give me a ride, oh and i get one of those sick tees". "here follow me out, i'll get you one now there in my van" "hold up, you have to win a game to get one" dustin said. "oh come on henderson, how can u not give this stunner one, and plus she's coming tonight, maybe she'll beat your ass" he said shrugging. "what are you talking about eddie , your the master and the rest of us are the attackers?" he said mad. "oh no, she's sitting with me"

he took me out to his van and got me a shirt, "bro this looks sick" i said happy. "suits you well" he said back. we went to our last class. we were late because he got me a shirt. "look who decided to show finally" the teacher said, " that's a lunchtime detention to more y/n and edward" i chuckled. "edward? that's funny" he turned to me, "shut up y/n" we went to sit down and the only desks left were right next to each other, we sat there and eddie was struggling with his work. "struggling there big boy?" he picked up his bag and put it on his lap. "ohh come on" i said sarcastically disappointed. "y/n, don't tease me like that, just help me with my work. we traded sheets to make it look like we were doing our own work. we finally finished and the bell went. eddie went to stand up and fully forgot about the "big boy" situation. i looked down and back up at him, " your really down deep aren't ya sucker" i said smiling. "oh shush" he said "come on, i'm taking you to my trailer so you can help me write the story for tonight's game. "don't forget, detention tomorrow , meet me at the top block staff room" the teacher said. i just rolled my eyes and walked out sighing...

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