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| y/n's pov |
me and eddie walked off to his van. i was so nervous of going back to his trailer, we had been flirting all day, were we gonna? no no i had know him for hardly any time. i went to open the door for the van but eddie ran round and beat me there. i tried to open it before him just to be a smart ass. i just got it opened and he closed it. "come on doll, let me do it will you" he said. he closed the door and reopened it trying to be a gentleman. damn this boy, so cute, and he has good manners? god he is just so perfect. he helped me in and ran back round the other side. he started the van and looked over at me, "you sure you want to come, i don't want you to feel forced" he said. "oh no trust me, i do" i replied. "bet, let's go".

we got to his trailer, it looked a bit run down. but i didn't really care. i went and sat on the lounge and went on my phone. he was walking round trying to find something, he looked like he was struggling, god he was so cute. "what Re you looking for?" i said from across the room. "oh i'm trying to find my papers, wait you don't mind if i smoke do you?". " nah it's all good, got enough for me". "your telling me, y/n y/l/n smokes? damn your the female version of me at this point, well almost" he said suprised. "what you don't think i do, light me a joint right now , i'll finish it just to prove a point". he pulled out a box "aha got em" he said so happily. he sat down next to me, he had the box and sat it between us, he rolled up two joints and passed me one. i pulled out a line "oh so you came prepared?" he said looking at me but keeping his head slightly down. god that was hot. "you never know when someone gonna pull out a jay now do ya?" i said. i light one and gave it to him and then light my one. we both smoked them. "oh damn, you weren't joking were you?" he said. "what you didn't believe me?" "oh no i never said i didn't" he replied trying to not sound like a dick.

we both sat on the lounge, high as shit. he looked over to me "y/n?" "yes edward" i said giggling. "you know, your not the worst looking, and your not the worst person either?" he said, i was so happy, but thought that he was just saying stuff cos he was high. "listen to me, i know we hardly know each other but i wouldn't but too upset with getting to know you" he said while putting his hand on my thigh. "hey eds, you know i've sorta liked you since i saw you, i didn't want to tell you cos i thought you'd think i was weird, you know, giving the fact we kinda only met this morning?". "oh come on doll, how could i resist you". he put his hand on the side on my neck and my jaw, and started pulling me into a kiss. i never knew this would happen. we started making out, i could taste the weed in his mouth. then he picked me up and wrapped me around his body still keeping his tounge down my throat. he threw me on the bed, i looked up above me and saw handcuffs. "what are they for love?" i asked. "oh, you'll find out," he said. he started ripping his shirt off, this man has tats? oh god he was so hot. "you wanna do this?" he asked. "yes eddie, come on. i need you" "you sure", he said sliding his hands up my shirt. god double consent? oh my lord. "yes eddie, hurry up".

he started taking my shirt off and then started kissing me down to my neck, he left marks all over my neck, leaving it almost solid purple. "god y/n, your so hot" he whispered in my ear. he started to kiss me again, getting closer and closer to my pants. he looked up at me asking for consent again without saying it, i nodded and he started undoing my buttons. he ripped my shorts off. "probably wasn't a good idea to wear grey, i can see how much you want me love" he said looking up at me. "oh come on eddie, stop stuffing round and get to it" i said. he unbuckled his belt and then took his jeans off leaving him only in his boxers. "saying stuff to me? i can see how much you want me my love" i said looking down and slowly looking back up at him. "come on princess, how could i not want you?" he said sliding his boxers off and chucking them across the room. he was big, and looked incredibly excited. he took my underwear off and started to eat me. i let out a slight moan grabbing the bed sheets. "he pulled away for a second and said "god you taste so good" he went back at me, even better this time. he jumped on top of me and leaned over me to grab something from his top drawer. "can never be too safe now can we. i'm not ready to be a dad just yet". "oh it's fine, im on the pill" i said back. "even better". he stuck it inside of me. i let out a slight moan, louder than the last. i gripped onto his back, he started pumping in and out of me, making me grab harder each time. "you feel so good" he said grunting. "come on eddie, faster i need you" "whatever you want my little slut". that was something i never thought i'd hear, but it was just so hot. i was trying so hard to not be so loud, but i just couldn't help it, he felt so good. i flipped us over and started jumped a bit so he was out of me, i started grinding on him. he threw his head back "come on y/n, stop teasing me" he said throwing his head back while he placed his hands on my hips. he started guiding me to where i felt best. he picked us up and moved us down so he could lay down. he started gripping the bed sheets, but more than i was. "now your the one gripping the sheets aren't you daddy" "daddy? god you turn me on more and more by the second", i felt him get bigger which i didn't even know was possible, he was already huge to the point he couldn't fit inside of me all the way.

i jumped up again and positioned his dick to go right inside me. i was going so slow while i was riding him. "come on, i need you like right now" "so how's it feel huh?" i said giggling while struggling to even speak between our moans. he slid his hands up my back and unclaspled my bra. he sat back up and put his face between my tits. "come on faster, i'm going to cum" moaned. i went faster and harder, i could feel myself about to let it out too. he cummed inside of me. i could feel him filling me up, i let out the loudest moan. he flipped us back over to how we were before. he went back down licking my clit, "cut for me princess" that set me off, i released and he licked me clean. i grabbed him with my legs and threw him sitting him on the edge of the bed. i climbed down and got on my knees, i started licking his tip and he threw his head back letting out the loudest grunt "come on we don't want the neighbours hearing us do we" i said to him. "who cares at least when we walk out they know your my little whore" i started cleaning him up and sat back on his lap making out with him making him taste himself. i got up slowly making myself a tease "oh come on y/n, i wasn't finish with you" he said. "i looked back at him "ed's look at the time we're gonna be late to hellfire" i said while getting dressed but not breaking eye contact. "oh shit i forgot, we forgot to write the story line" he said worrying. "we'll be right, you tell me ideas and i'll make us something on the way there.

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