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| y/n's pov |
we hurried to get dressed and ran to the van, i was going to put my shoes and my shirt on in the car but eddie stopped me, "you can go out without a shirt, you're mine, for no one else to see, plus there's a sketchy guy who lives round the trailer park and i don't trust him" . i chucked my shirt on. we arrived at hellfire and i fully forgot he left marks all over my neck. we rushed in and everyone snapped their necks looking at us. "umm" i heard mike say. "y/n? what's that?" he said while pointing to my neck. oh shit i forgot. dustin looked at me looking confused. i pulled my shirt up covering my neck. that's when eddie noticed. i turned back to look at eddie. he look dead in the face yet so full of shock. we sat down awkwardly. i went to sit next to jeff. "come on sweetheart, your sitting with me" i went to pull a seat next to him. he lent over and kicked it away. he grabbed my hips sitting me on his lap once again. "i thought these jeans didn't have pockets?" i said moving round a bit, he grabbed onto my hips tighter, and whispered into my ear. "come on darling, what else could it be?" i said i felt his smile on my neck.

"i have a spare plan i always keep" gareth said reaching into his bag . we grabbed it and we started playing the game, i was with eddie being the "masters" and everyone else was there attackers. we got close to the finish. gareth, mike, dustin and jeff got in a group. they were mumbling and then eddie and i heard one of them say loudly "we have to flee, there's only two of us left, we have no chance". eddie got out of his seat and said "there's nothing wrong with fleeing" dustin turned around and said "we'll fight, to the death" proudly. the rest of the attackers got mad "we can't do that we have no chance, he still has 20 hit points, we have to flee" mike said. "come on don't be pussys" i said.

jeff rolled the dice and got a 20. "what? WHAT?" eddie got up and jumped. he bent down presenting the set "and this is why we play. everyone helped pack up and walked the set to eddie's van. "can you give me a lift home please ed's?" i said nervously. "i can? but do you wanna crash at mine instead?" dustin was standing next to me because he was ment to come home with us. i looked at him and said "dusty, can you tell dad i'm crashing at a friends so i can catch up on assignments i need to do, please?" "yeah alright, message me what you need for school and i'll bring it in the morning" "thank you so much dusty" i said hugging him tightly "i'll see you tomorrow henderson" eddie said.

eddie ran round and opened the door for me and helped me into the van. we drive back to his trailer and he showed me where everything was giving the fact i was staying. "this is my kitchen, i would cook dinner, but i'm not the best" he said shrugging. "it's okay i can cook" i said looking through the cupboards and the fridge trying to find something to cook. "do you want bacon and eggs?" i said turning round laughing. "umm love, that's a breakfast thing" he says. "have me for breakfast" i said under my breath. "what was that you said?" "oh no nothing". eddie sat down and i started cooking and then heard him trying to sneakily come up behind me. "no the quietest are you love?". he grabbed me round the waist "oh come on, we haven't even eaten and your already starting". i finished up and sat the plates on the table, we sat down and ate. "mm y/n this is good, but not as good as you" he said smirking and then winking at me. oh god he's so hot i thought to myself. after dinner we want and sat on the lounge, we were sitting there in silence. "wanna watch a movie?" i said looking at eddie. "yeah bet" he grabbed the remote and went onto netflix. "what do you want to watch love" he said while running his fingers through my hair. "barbie?" i said sarcastically trying to hold my laugh, i couldn't hold it. i bursted out laughing. "sure, what ever you want babe". "babe? are we a thing now?" i said shocked, i wasn't expecting that. "i mean, if you want? it doesn't have to be big if you don't want it to be?" "oh no i would love that". i was so happy, i was laying on his chest and i felt his heart beat get faster and faster. we put on the movie and i got up and made popcorn. he sat through the whole movie and seemed to be enjoying it to be honest. i was not expecting that. and long haired emo looking boy, watching barbie? that's new. "enjoying it there?" i thought it was just so cute. "oh my god yes, we are watching them all" . "whatever you want sir"

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