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| y/n's pov |
we rushed inside and ran to the couch. i started pulling stuff out every which way. eddie started grabbing the things he wanted to use. "this one!" he yelled. he was so cute. i sat on the couch sideways and he layed his head in between my thighs. i put the face mask on him and then he sat up. "oh my god ed's, you look stupid" "shut up y/n, you know you love me". i wasn't expecting that, he wasn't wrong, he just caught me by surprise. he grabbed the face mask packet out of my hand and started putting it on my face, "now you look stupid too" he said proudly putting his hands on his hips. "oh come on love, you can't say nothing" i said looking the other way like a smart ass. he started rummaging through the box again, he looked up at me "what colour do you want, we're gonna be matching" i knew i was gonna get him with this. "pink...with glitter". "yess, i'm gonna be prettier than you" he said doing a hand flick (as a joke he isn't gay🤭). "cmon, we're going to my room to do this, if i make a mess out here my uncle will kill me". "you don't live here alone?" i asked him. "oh no y/n, did i forget to tell you? i live with my uncle but he's usually at work so i'm here alone a lot" he replied to my question. "ohhh okay" i said jumping up. i dragged him up with my by his hand and pulled him to his room, there was a mirror in the hallway and he stopped us right at it. he wrapped his arms round my waist and looked into my eyes in the reflection, i looked back into his. "babe, i know we have hardly even known each other, but i think i love you?" he almost questioned the last bit, i think he was nervous to actually say it. "edward munson, loves me?" i turned and looked at him, i looked into his left eye, down to his lips and back up to his right eye. "yes he does" he replied. he picked my up and carried me to his room. we sat down and painted our nails, he did mine first, he wanted to be the gentleman. when he was done with mine i painted his straight away, being careful to not wreck his skills. he actually did a good job. "hey hey hey, are you gonna wreck my art, it isn't dry yet, no way" he said. "oh come on munson, i'm more talented that you think.

when i was finished he looked at his nails, he grabbed my hand and put them next to each other. "look, now we can match" he was so happy. "yes we can" i replied. his inner child was really coming out. i got up to go get a wet face cloth to get our face masks off, i walked back into the room, he had his head down and he didn't realise i was there. i watched him wipe his eyes. i went and sat next to him and he looked up at me, he was crying for some reason. "i wrecked it, i was trying to get my guitar to show you a song that i'm writing and i fucked it up" "it's okay ed's, i can fix it", by that time it was pretty much dried to so filed all the stuffed up nail polish off and repainted it. i dragged him out to the kitchen. "here this will dry it quicker". i grabbed a bowl from the cupboard and ice from the freezer. i put water in the bowl and sat his hand in it. "jeez y/n, that's freezing" "oh your such a sook". i stood behind him wrapping my arms round his shoulders, i gave him a kiss on he neck. "sweetheart, we have to go to bed soon, don't start up on me again" i looked down at his pants, he was being for real, he was already started just by that. "fine fine munson, i'll wait till tomorrow.

"i'll be back" i yelled as i was walking up the hall back to eddie's room. i looked through his drawers and found a tee to sleep in, it was a bit big on me but i didn't care, i could be bothered to find any pants so i took mine off and was going to sleep in my undies with his shirt on. i walked back out with the shirt only just covering my ass. "you can keep that if you want?" he said from the other side of the kitchen, i was grabbing a drink. "maybe i will, do you want a drink?" "yea, whatever's fine". i got him orange juice and sat back down with him. "y/n, it feels like my hands about to fall off, can i take it out?" he questioned. "here gimmie" i said while grabbing his hand. "yep all done" i said while tapping on his nail. "yes, now back to what i was doing before" he picked me up and threw me onto his shoulder, carrying me to his room again. he sat me on the bed and tucked me in, he sat on the edge of the bed and started playing the guitar, it was my favourite song, the guitar part in 'me and your mama'. he must of asked dusty what song i liked. "goddam it henderson" i mumbled under my breath. "what" he said snapping his neck turning to me. "how'd you know huh, stalker" i said cheekily. "i might have asked henderson" he replied shrugging his shoulders at me. he put his guitar back into the guitar hanger on his wall. he climbed into bed with me and i layed my head on his chest, i felt his heartbeat get faster. "i love you munson" i said grabbing him tighter as i fell asleep. "i love you too princess" he mumbled while playing with my hair as we drifted off...

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