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| y/n's pov |
after the movie i was so tired. "hey babe, can we go to bed?" said. "yeah, i'm getting pretty tired". he picked me up and carried me to the bed and he put the blanket over me. "i love you my girl" he said softly. "well I love you and every little thing about you and they way you obsess and adore me,it reminds me of 13 year olds at a concert" "I do no-" before I could even finish my sentence he grabbed me by the back of me head and pulled me in for a kiss,I immediately got butterflies everywhere. We made out for a solid 5 minutes before he whispered in my ear " you know you love me" and pulled me by my waist and lifted me onto his lap "oh yes,yes I do and I want you to know that " I knew he got so excited over that.

i just sat there on his lap for a while. hugging him so tightly. he made me feel so safe. "y/n, do you really like me" he whispered sounding so upset. the poor boy was overthinking. "of courses u do my love, otherwise i wouldn't have agree to be with you" i reassured him. "so if we're together, hellfire is set with a new member?, i'll do anything" he said excitedly. "hmm, i'll think about it" i replied.

a couple hours passed and we were both dead asleep. i fell asleep in his arms and he held me so tightly as i slept. i woke up in the middle of the night. i woke up to the cold breeze because the window was opened. i was freezing to the point i got goosebumps up my legs. he woke up as i was getting up to go to the bathroom to wash my face. "so, are you gonna take me up on my offer?" i heard him yell from his bedroom. i'd be mad at myself if i didn't. "yes ed's" i yelled back from the bathroom. he ran up to the bathroom door and had the biggest smile on his face. he grabbed me round my waist and then spun me round making me look into his eyes. only centimetres away from his face. he culled my face and kissed it, the way he kisses is so passionate. like he doesn't want to ever let go, like if he doesn't keep me close it will stop. i couldn't resist him. his cheeky smile, his stupid comments, those damn eyes. it was inevitable that i would be kissing him again. his kiss wasn't enough i needed his touch, all over me. "c'mon love, how about we take this to the room shall we" he picked me up throwing me over his shoulder. he through me down i got he bed. he stared kissing me again, yet with a lot more passion and a lot more tongue. he started getting lower and lower. i put my hand in his belt loop pulling him down closer to me. "easy tiger" he laughs out. leaning down and kissing me again. i rub my hands down his back feeling him shiver at my touch. he places his thumb under my shirt, running his hand alongside of me. "eddie take it off" i whisper, pulling away from him to get the words out. he looks at me pulling my shirt off of me with one hand, not breaking eye contact. i let out a slight moan, he was just so much i couldn't resist him. god lucky his uncle wasn't here to hear all of this i think to myself before moaning his name. "oh fuck eddie, oh my god" i say in between moans. he looks at me reassuringly before sticking two fingers into me. i moan so loudly that i smack my hand over my mouth. he pulls my hand away from my mouth while still sliding his fingers in and out of me. "no y/n, i want to hear the sounds i'm making you do" so i do. i keot moaning louder and louder gasping his name. "eddie take your pants off will you?" i say while looking into his eyes. i stand up from the bed, my legs still shaking, he took his pants off so he had nothing but his boxers on. i pushed him onto the bed and started grinding on him. he felt so hard between my legs. i rip off his boxers exposing him. wow he's big i think to myself. i start licking his tip. i couldn't fit all of him in my mouth but i tried, he kept groaning and saying "fucking hell y/n" while throwing his head back. i kept doing what i was doing until he picked me up and layed me on the end of the bed, spreading my legs. i could feel his hard dick rubbing along my clit and slowly sliding in and out of me. i squealed with pleasure, he was thrusting in and out so fast yet so slow. i arched my back and kept moaning his name, my god this was the best thing i've ever experienced. he chuckled when i finished, leaning down and giving me a kiss. "that was amazing y/n" he said grabbing my hips. he got up and started getting dressed, except he chucked me his shirt. "here, wear this". i put it on and was so happy. i felt so cool. i strutted round the trailer showing myself off to him. i wasn't tired anymore. i reached into the cupboard looking for something little, like a chocolate or something. i found a bag of chocolates and threw them at eddie who has back on the couch, "another movie sir?" i turned back saying with a smile on my face. "yes but this time i'm taking you to your house first and your getting face mask and nail polish, if i'm gonna be a princess better go all out ay?". i was so excited. i ran back for the room rummaging through his drawers trying to find some pants. i found some grey trackies and put them on, they were a bit long and a bit big round the waist but they had a drawstring so i didn't really care. i grabbed the keys and i ran back out grabbing eddie's hand leading him out the door to his van. "wait i need the keys i'll be right back" "no need". i was rushing round like crazy. he opened the door for me. as soon as we got there i ran up to the door, and busted in the house. i stood in the doorway and then turned back round signalling eddie to come inside. we ran upstairs to my room holding hands as if we had been together for years, that's how it felt at least. i grabbed the stuff and put it in a backpack, i went to put it on my back and then it was snatched "cmon darl, i can have you doing all the work". we ran back downstairs and ran back out to the car. we got back to eddie's and bursted inside...

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