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| y/n's pov |
the next morning we woke up, he had rolled over and must've taken his shirt off in the middle on the night, so he was just
in his sweats. i got up and walked off the the bathroom grabbing a towel on the way. i had a quick shower so he didn't worry that i was gone. i came back and he was getting up rubbing his eyes. "where'd you go princess?" he questioned. "i just went a had a quick shower love" i replied with my towel wrapped round me still. he got up and picked me up wrapping my legs round his waist. he held me in tight. he walked over to his drawers keeping my in his arms, he grabbed out clothes, but more than he needed. "here, wear this" he said putting me down and passing me some clothes. he gave me another hellfire tee and a pair of sweats. "thanks eds". i said while putting in the clothes. he replied back, "it's all good my love". we walked out into the lounge room and he sat me in the couch, he walked over to the kitchen and sounded like he was starting to cook something. "hey munson, what are you doing?" i yelled across the trailer. "well i'm trying to cook, but it isn't exactly working" he replied back. "here let me do it" "come on princess, your my guest, i've got to cook for you not the other way round". "it's okay, i'm pretty sure i can cook better than you anyways" i giggled. i walked over and he had burnt the eggs he was trying to make. i bumped him with my hip pushing him out of the way. i started getting all of eddie's so called 'cooking' and sat it to the side. "what's wrong love, don't like my cooking?". "oh no it's amazing eds", he wrapped his arms round my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder.

i finished cooking and put breakfast on the table. we went to go sit down and i was pulling out my chair when i felt eddie's hands pick my up and sit me on his lap. "you make me breakfats, i get you a warm seat, how about that?" he smirked as he said. we ate breakfast and once we finished we went back to eddie's room, i layed down on his bed, "hey eddie, let's do something i'm bored" i mumbled but for him to hear. "come, i've got somewhere" he replied. he grabbed my arm and dragged me out to his van, running like a little kid to an ice cream truck. he opened the door for me and helped me in, he ran round to his side but opened the door for the actual van part, he started rummaging through a box. then he held up a bag "aha got it, ready for some fun?" he looked over at me and said while holding the bag up still. "what's that ed's?" i could hardly see what was in the bag. "you'll have to wait and see".

we pulled into a random car park that i have never seen before. "here we are" he looked over to me "you like it y/n?". he started at me waiting for an answer, it was a car park? "you don't do you?" he questioned. "umm, eddie, it's a car park, what's special about it?" i said . "oh no no, this isn't it, i was shitting with ya, here follow me" he ran round to my side and opened to door for me. he was the biggest gentleman. he helped me back out of the car and put me on his back. he grabbed the bag from the back of the van and  he piggy backed me through the bush and we got to a spot. all that was there was a wooden picnic table, nothing else. he sat me down and went a sat round the other side. he grabbed the bag. "so y/l/n smokes ay? can she handle this?" he said whipping the bag out. "oh yes she can" i said getting up with a smirk on my face, "in fact, she can probably handle it better than you" i crossed my arms and pushed me hip to one side being the biggest smart ass i could ever be. "oh we will see about that, this is some of my strongest stuff" he said. so he sells? ehh who cares, i love the bastard. "light me one ed's" i went and sat next to him. i took a hit of the joint and blew it all back into his face. he sat there doing tricks to impress me, and it was working. after just a few hits i was blazed. we had one each the first and we shared one more. we were absolutely fucked. i did want to go back and see dad today, but not in this state. "hey my love, you okay?" 'he always checks on me' i thought to myself. "yes munson, maybe had too much" i said shrugging me shoulders.

| eddie's pov |
i piggy backed her into the woods, feeling her body against mine made me feel so safe. i love her. we got to my special spot, where i used to see chrissy. i felt so guilty that chrissy was gone, but i didn't want to tell y/n. when we got to the table i sat her down across from me. i almost questioned what i was doing, with how strong this is. i asked her if she could handle it but trying not to sound like i was doubting her, i don't want her to think she isn't capable of things, what happens if she leaves me. no no i'll be fine, if i'm careful of how everything's worded. i watched her get up from where she was sitting, as she stood up she replied "oh yes she can" folding her arms, god she was a smartass, my smartass. i lit us up one each, and we went through them quick, i could tell y/n was getting fucked off a few puffs, but she just kept going, almost as if she wanted to prove me wrong. we both finished our joints and she wanted another one to herself. i'm not her dad or anything so of course i let her, if she shared it with me. we finished and she looked off her head "hey my love, are you okay?" i questioned her, i was concerned. "yes munson, maybe had too much" she replied. i love when she calls me munson, i don't know why, but it's just so cute. i love her.

| y/n's pov |
i sat there, i was trying to get my breath back a bit. eddie was up and walking around. "hey ed's, can we go back now?" i asked, i was getting tired all of a sudden. "come here princess" he said while walking over to me. he grabbed me by my hand and walked me back to the van. "can i stay again please?"i asked. "yes of course, i can't have you going home like this anyways" he answered. "thanks eddie" i replied. we got back to his and i called dad. he answered "hi this is mr.y/l/n" "hey dad, i was wondering if i could stay at my friends tonight please, i need help with figuring out school?"i asked, i honestly did need help with school. "yes sweetie, i'd rather you knew more about hawkins high than go and have no idea" "thank you so much dad" i said. "be safe, i love you". he hung up the phone. eddie must of heard me because he yelled something out from down the hall, "hey love, do you need help with school?". "umm i think so ed's, i can't think of anything from the top of my head at the moment" i yelled back. "okay, if you need anything just let me know".  he walked back out and had a laptop in his arms. "movie?" he asked. "yes, but your picking this time" i laughed. i ran over to the kitchen and started making popcorn, when it was finished i rushed back to eddie's room. he was on the phone. i mouthed "who's that" so i didn't disturb him. "it's steve and robin" he answered, so he mustn't have cared if i spoke. " ohh okay" i said while getting into bed.

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