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| y/n's pov |
i finished in the bathroom and walked off to my room still wrapped in a towel. i rummaged through my wardrobe trying to find something to wear, i found a red silk scoop neck dress and grabbed my cons. i already had my base on my face so all i had to do was match a lipstick and an eyeshadow. i walked downstairs to check with dustin that i looked alright before wasting time finishing my makeup. "hey dustin! does this look okay?!" i yelled down. "come here, i can't be fucked to get up!" he replied from downstairs. i walked over to the lounge room and he was sitting there watching tv with steve. his eyes opened wide and his jaw dropped.

| steve's pov |
i heard y/n yelling from downstairs talking to dustin. i didn't think much of it. she wanted to know if she looked alright. she walked down stairs, my eyes widened and my jaw dropped, i didn't realise for about 30 seconds and then it clicked. i quickly closed my mouth and between that and realised my eyes had gone back to normal. i think she noticed because she looked at me weird up and down and kept talking. i felt my face heat up. i just put my head down. dustin turned to me and must've noticed something was up. "alright your all good y/n, he'll love it" i heard him say looking back at her. 'he? she has someone already? i thought she was new' i thought to myself. i looked up confused. "who's he?" i asked. "munson, eddie, munson" she replied. "that freak?" i yelled getting up. i realised i'd fucked up yet again, yelling at her. i just sat back down and shut up.

| y/n's pov |
"yes that 'freak'" i replied to steve. "if you have a problem with it, then fuck off!" i yelled storming back up stairs. i walked back into the bathroom putting on a red lip with a nude eyeshadow. i walked back down and walked straight out the door ignoring steve. "bye dustin, love you, i'll be back later" i yelled out peeking my head back inside. i waited out the front for eddie. i heard his van coming down the street, so i started walking down the driveway. he was holting down the street and stomped on the breaks sending him forward in the front seat. he rushed out of  the front seat opening the passenger door. he looked so hot, in his black skinny ripped jeans and his black silk button down. his hair was still a mess as always and he still had the chains and bandana hanging from his jeans, but i loved it, i loved him. he ran up to my kneeling down and kissing my hand. "oh god munson, your so corny" i laughed. "and horny" i heard him whisper under his breath. he held my hand as we walked down to his van. he'd layed rose petals in the back and lit candles, even though it still smelt like weed. "where are we going" i said trying to break the silence. "you'll see my princess" he replied with sliding his hand up my dress. "oh come on munson-" i was in the middle of talking and then he slid further and gripped harder. we pulled up front of a fancy restaurant. he looked over to me, "what- y/n?" he asked seductively, looking into my left eye, my lips and then into my right. "save it for the trailer" i finished. "the trailer? doesn't it go "save it for the bedroom"?" he asked. "oh not tonight it doesn't" i said winking and getting out.

we walked inside and all girls eyes were locked onto him, he noticed i felt upset with it so he put his hand round my waist to show everyone i'm his. we went a found a table. "hi welcome to enzo's, can i get you started with anything" a younbe blonde waiter said looking at him and him only. "umm can i just get a water for now?" i asked politely, "i wasn't talking to you" she snapped. "uhh we can actually, a different waiter" eddie said tilting his head my way and smiling, we both laughed in front of her as she stormed off. "so princess, what would you like?" he asked. "umm i'm not that hungry to be honest, i'll just get a salad". "you sure? you can have whatever i'm paying" he replied looking up from the menu. "yes eds i'm sure" "alright we'll i'm getting spaghetti and we're getting breadsticks, i haven't had enzo's breadsticks since i was little" he chuckled. "your funny munson".

a different waiter came over, she seemed very similar to last but with brown hair. "sorry for that you two, what can i get you" she said, this time it was genuine. "umm m'lady will have-" he paused waiting for me to speak. "i'll just get a Cesar salad and a glass of water thank you" i said, "oh no not water, a bottle of your finest wine,  and i'll get spaghetti and breadsticks thank you mam" he said. when she was finished writing down what we had ordered, i turned to eddie, "eddie, where'd you get all the money for the wine and shit?" i asked confused. "well, i've been saving up my tips from preforming, i've been planning this for a few days, i told the crowd what i was doing and they gave me so much" he replied eyes lighting up. "eddie, you didn't have to" i said. "oh no, anything for you my love" i just sat there silent blushing.

food came out and eddie immediately grabbed a breadstick. "mmm- these are so good, try it       y/n" he said excited. "okay sir" i said smirking. he handed me one, and they were amazing. "your right Munson, these are good" i said. 

once we finished up dinner, we drove round the town blasting music, "here's a good one" he turned over to me and then to the stereo. he turned it up even louder. "master of puppets" i yelled trying to just hear myself over the music. "i love this song" i concluded. i started playing air guitar to the song, trying to hit the notes right. "oh so you can play love?" he asked confused. "infact, i can play pretty well. "show me" he whispered leaning into my ear so i could hear. he took a sharp turn back to his trailer. once we got inside he handed me the phone already dialed a number, "here tell your dad your staying at robins tonight, he'll ask dustin who it is and he'll be able to tell her, so it doesn't seem suspicious you know?" he told me. "hey dad, i'm staying at robins tonight if that's okay?" i said into the speaker. "yes nugget, tomorrow night we're having a movie night, if you want to bring a friend or two?" "ooo yes thank you, and thank you for letting me stay, i love you" i replied. "it's okay, be safe, i love you little miss, have a good night and be safe" he sounded so genuine with it. "yes i will, i love you too dad" i finished hanging up the phone.

eddie came back out and must've had a quick shower, he was only wearing grey sweats, and all i could focus on were his abs and his tatttos. "okay okay, stop staring lovely, show me how good you are at guitar now" he said smirking and walking towards me. he grabbed me by my waist and threw me over his shoulder.

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