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| y/n's pov |
the next motioning i woke up in my bed, it felt weird waking up alone. i got up and got ready for school, ate breakfast, brushed my teeth, got dressed, did my hair and makeup. i wanted to impress eddie. when i got dressed i put on a hellfire tee, with a short black fitted skirt. i thought i looked pretty decent, i had my platform cons that i chucked on and i picked up my bag and walked down the stairs. "who are you tryna impress y/n?" dustin asked. "oh can i not wear what i want now?" i answered with another question. "whatever" he rolled his eyes, "come on we're going" i said while picking him and and dragging him by his arm. "oh eddie's picking us up again by the way" as soon as he said that i tried to hide the fact i was blushing. i heard his van coming from down the street and he stomped on the breaks as soon as he was out the front of the house. "get in" he yelled rolling the window down. he rushed out of the car and got the door for me, "what is that her seat now?" dustin said mad.

we got to school and i saw everyone staring at me, "hey ed's, why are they staring?" i asked, i was so confused "maybe, pull your skirt down a bit love" he laughed while pulling it down for me. dustin must've seen and came rushing up to us. "if your gonna be all cute and couple like in school, maybe tell the hellfire table your together at least" my face dropped. i went to first class with eddie. we had music first, i watched as he played guitar, that's when a girl came and sat next to me, she had blonde hair and wore a cheerleader outfit. " you got the hots for eddie do you?" she asked. "hmm- kinda" i said shrugging. she got up and jumped around smiling. she sat back down, "eddie, munsons?" she questioned again, "yeah, what about him" i replied. "well him and my boyfriend are sort of 'rivals' i guess you could say..." she said. "oh come on, it's stupid, your boyfriends a peice of shit" i yelled getting up and waking out. i don't know why but that just pissed me off. i was walking the halls when the blonde basketball boy came up to me. "your stunning, your name is?" he paused waiting for an answer. "y/n" i said confused. i don't think many people figured it out. "well y/n, your very pretty, reckon we could go out?" he asked pausing again. "oh yeah cool, my boyfriend thinks so too" i smiled, "who?" he looked stunned, like he'd seen a ghost. "munson" i looked him dead in the eyes. "eddie, munson" i finished as i walked away. i kept walking the halls until the bell went.

i saw eddie run up to me, "where'd you go love, you seemed mad and i didn't want to follow but i was worried" he asked. "that cheerleader" i said looked at her "she said you and her boyfriend are rivals and it just set me off". "oh jason? he's a piece of shit, i'll stomp on his head, i've seen him eyeing you down and it makes me want to get up walk over and just hit him until he's bleeding" i could tell he was getting mad. "oh calm down big boy" i looked him up and down, "wait jason? is he that blonde haired basketball guy?" i questioned. "why, did he speak to you? i swear to living hell" he started firing up again. "he came over and asked me out and was calling me pretty so i just replied with 'my boyfriend thinks so too'" i laughed. "good one" he laughed with me.

we had one class left, art. luckily me and ed had the exact same time table so i couldn't get lost if i hung onto him. "here get on my back" he said. i jumped up and then asked "why". "showing everyone your mine darling, especially that jerk jason" "whatever you want sir" i giggled. "hey, same that for the bedroom love" he looked at me smiling, i noticed he looked at my left eye, my lips and then my right. i knew what he wanted. "hey munson, i'm coming over tonight, i don't care what you say, but i'm in charge" i whispered in his ear. "i like the sound of that". when we got to class i realised what we had, math, for fuck sake. eddie put me down just before we got there, "hey love, pull your skirt down, remember your mine" he said looking at my ass. i pulled it down and we walked into class holding hands. there was two seats up back. we dragged the tables next to each other so they were touching and sat down, "miss y/l/n, what are you doing" the teacher yelled. "ok" i said while sitting down. halfway though math i saw eddie trying to focus, "what's wrong ed's?" i asked. "i can't do this, it's too hard" "that's what she said" i mumbled while leaving over. "what?" he looked up. "oh nothing, here take mine to make it look like your doing work and i'll do yours" i said, "wont they realise the handwritings different?"he asked. "i don't think they really care" i replied.

after class i yelled out to dustin to wait up. i ran up to him and hugged him, i turned back round to eddie, "i'll be there at 4 to pick you up" he yelled out. "he ready" he said, "it's a date". i ran back to him. "i only said i was coming over" i said confused. "and i said it was a date, be ready, i love you" he said. "i love you too munson" i yelled while running back to dustin, we walked home and by the time i got home it was already three. i only had an hour to get ready, shit. i quickly got in the shower and freshened up. i stood there in my towel once i was out and did my makeup and brushed my teeth, i dried my hair and curled it. dustin ran in and asked "a date?". he mustn't have realised i wasn't dressed. "i'll be back, when your dressed" he ran back out. "yes a date" i yelled peeking my head out the door.

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