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| y/n's pov |
steve drove me home helped me inside. "your home early" i heard dad say from the kitchen. "yep, school was pissing me off, i'm going to my room" i replied. "okay nugget, but try and have a full day tomorrow please" he asked. "yes dad" i replied with walking up to my room. steve stood at the door, not wanting to come in. i stopped halfway up the stairs and signaled for him to come up. he shook his head so i gave him a wave good bye and yelled "thank you!".

i layed in bed for the next hour, waiting for school to get out. as soon as it hit the 3:00 mark, i stormed downstairs. with a box of eddie's clothes and shit i'd accidentally brought home. "dad, can i get a lift please?" i asked politely so he couldn't tell anything was up. "yep, just give me a minute" he said. i went a sat out in the car, waiting for him. he walked out, and came out to the car. "so where to?" he asked. "trailer park thank you" i replied. "all good" he said. we drove in silence, i didn't want to snap at him, cos i was still pissed off.

we got to the trailer park and i just asked to get dropped at the entrance. "okay love you , be back for the movie!" he yelled excitedly taking off. i walked over to eddies trailer, and there was the stupid cheerleader again. for fucks sake. i stormed in. "edward, what the actual fuck are you doing, you saw i was pissed before, so you bring her BACK TO YOUR FUCKING TRAILER!" i yelled getting real close in his face. "i was only dealing, with her, she really needs it, and i don't see why you should be so mad, calm down" he said hugging me. "get off me you jerk" yelled pushing him off. "okay, so im gonna go" chrissy shrugged point to the door. "want a lift?"eddie asked. "want a lift" i mimicked. i waited for her to leave before i went off. "why the fuck were you dealing with chrissy, you know i don't like her eddie!" i shouted, eddie's eyes everywhere, but not even looking at me. "you can't even fucking look at me" i muttered grabbing my jacket. i pushed past him, throwing down his box of shit, pushing back past to storm out. "hey where are you going?" he yelled walking up behind me. "anywhere but here, i can't do this right now eddie!" i shouted again. i opened the front door, i didn't notice it was pissing down rain while i was yelling, but i wasn't going back in his trailer at the moment. "you can't leave   y/n! it's too cold and it's pouring down!" he yelled from the doorway. "piss off munson!" i yelled slinging my jacket over my shoulders trying to use it almost as a blanket.

it felt like i was walking for hours, i went a sat on a gutter, tired, and crying, mascara running everywhere. i heard a vechile pull up, headlights blinding me. i recognised it, the driver stomped on the breaks. it was eddie. he leaned over from the driver seat looking down on me. he ran out, "i've been looking for you for hours, don't ever do that again" "go away" i said sniffling, starting to get sick from the cold. "no, your coming back to mine, and i'm getting you cleaned up and warm" he finished as he helped me into his van.
a/n- short ash chapter cos i cbf tbh

 ________________________________a/n- short ash chapter cos i cbf tbh

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