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| eddie's pov |
i walked out after having a quick shower. i saw y/n had just hung up the phone. i was only in sweats, i was boiling hot. i saw her staring. "okay okay, stop staring lovely, show me how good you are at guitar now" i said walking over towards my perfect girl and picking her up. i threw her over my shoulders and carried her to my room. "so what can you play?" i asked grabbing my guitar off the wall. "umm not too much, just master of puppets, oh and i can do the 'me and your mama' guitar part.

| y/n's pov|
"master of puppets is really hard you know" eddie said turning towards me after setting up. "trust me, i know" i replied grabbing the guitar. "play me 'me and your mama' i haven't heard that one yet" "here it's easy come sit behind me and i'll show you." he came and sat behind me, legs along mine, hands on top of mine. i starting strumming E string in the same tempo as the song. placing my fingers on the threats, him following along. "that seems pretty easy" he said with his chin over my shoulder trying to see. "here you go" i said getting up and handing him the guitar. he got up throwing the strap around his neck and under his arm. he started playing, almost better than i can play it, throwing his head round like a true metal head. "go munson" i looked up. "see, easy".

"hey munson, i'm getting tired, i'm gonna go have a quick shower, is that okay?" i asked, wanting to make sure it really was okay. "yes my love, i'll grab you a towel" he replied. "oh no it's okay, i'll just use yours, save you from washing more." "you know, we should go star court and get you some stuff for here, giving the fact you almost live here" he said hanging his guitar back up. "yes we can go tomorrow?" i asked. "i'm busy tomorrow helping my uncle, but maybe wednesday?" "yes wednesday" i yelled running off into the bathroom.

| next day |
i woke up and eddie wasn't next to me. i walked out into the kitchen, messy bed hair and mascara smudged i didn't manage to get off last night in the shower. "good morning princess" he said in his morning croaky voice, a lot lower than normal. "morning munson" i replied with wiping my hands on my face trying to wake me up a bit more. "you slept in love, we're going to be late for school" "oh shit, fuck, school, i forgot". i ran back to his room and grabbed one of his hellfire tees and jeans. i ran to the bathroom grabbing his hairbrush and brushing my hair. "hey eddie, we need to stop by mine, i at-least need mascara!" i yelled from the bathroom. "okay okay calm down, we'll drive past on the way" he replied. i ran back out and ate breakfast. i went to go sit in my seat and he sat me down on his lap. "you look amazing in those y/n" he whispered into my neck. "thank you love" i replied grabbing his head with my arm behind me. "oh stop teasing, we just woke up" he said. "what's in your pocket munson" i said re- adjusting myself, "what pockets princess" he replied. "weren't you the one saying we just woke up?" i asked as i chuckled. "i said stop teasing, you caused this not me" he replied grabbing my waist.

once we were done eating we ran out to his van, it reeked of weed so he must've smoked this morning, not wanting to wake me up with the stench. "sorry it smells, i had a joint this morning, and i didn't want the smell to wake you up early" he turned to me. "it's okay" i replied. we got to mine and he helped me out, "come in ed's" i said. "wont your dad know you didn't stay at robins?" he asked worried. "i'll just say i slept in and she called you to pick me up" i replied shrugging. "ehh good enough" he then stopped, "wait, clothes, it's obvious that those jeans aren't yours, i mean giving the fact they are terribly long" "who cares, robins tall, and they know i already have this shirt. i'll tell them this arvo, i just wanna get to school" i said. i ran inside and eddie followed. i brushed my teeth and grabbed mascara to do on the way. "alright all done let's go" i yelled. i ran back down stairs, "hey! y/n!" i heard dad yell. "aren't you ment to be at school already, Dustin left ages ago, and who's this?" he asked. "i slept in and robin didn't want to wake me, so she got eddie to drive me to school" i said putting my hand out ' displaying' him. "oh okay, be good, love you" he said as i ran out the door. "love you too" i replied. we got back to the van, and i waited for eddie to start the van before starting my makeup, just so i didn't poke my eye out or anything. he started the van so o struggled to open up my mascara, i finally got it and he noticed i was doing it in the car so he made sure to drive carefully. we pulled up to school and ran to our class, art. "miss y/l/n, mr munson, why are you late" she yelled putting us on the spot. "slept in" i replied grabbing a seat. eddie dragged a seat over near mine. "answer my question will you" the teacher yelled rudely, "properly this time" she finished. "i slept in for fuck sake, i don't know what you to hear, but it's the truth!" i yelled back, "fucking hell"i mumbled uber my breath trying to calm down. "hey, are you okay?" eddie asked. "yeah, i just wanna finish up the day and get home, oh, dad is having a movie night tonight if you want to come? then we can tell him we are together?" i shrugged. "yeah sure, i'll be round at 6?" he replied.

hours passed at school and i just wanted out, me and eddie didn't have last class together, he must've been off skipping or something, wait he would skip without me? i thought to myself. i'm sure he just needed alone time. i sat alone and steve noticed, "hey, hello, y/n, you okay?" i head him say from the other side of the room. "yes i'm fine" i replied. "you sure?" he asked. "yes i'm fine for fuck sake" he yelled, walking out. i went to go wait my eddie's van, that's when i saw him standing, laughing with the cheerleader. "WHAT THE FUCK!" i yelled too of my lungs storming off. "Y/N, ITS NOT LIKE THAT" he yelled back trying to get me to listen. i ran back to class and dragged steve out. as he followed me around i told him he's giving me and lift home, and that i didn't care what he said. "but, eddie won't like that" he questioned, almost scared of him. "i don't give two fucks what eddie likes at the moment, take me him, now!" i yelled. "calm down, i'll take you home, and your going home, no where else, before you kill someone" he said helping me in the car.

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