Chapter 1

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"So that's how you do it?" Naruto asked, her voice in the tone of amazement. Shino nodded in affirmative as he took in her sparkling blue eyes. "You teach better than those lame sensei. You should become a teacher."

She began making new notes as the pair worked on their chemistry sheet in the labs after school. Shino was done but saw Naruto's struggle and offered to help her. In the last hour, Shino grew fond of the airhead sitting next to him.

Many saw Naruto as the dumb blonde stereotype. They weren't wrong in this however and that made Shino bitter as he had once classed Naruto as such. The blonde however while dumb was incredibly caring. She often rambled as a way to steer clear of the Chemistry jargon but the things she asked Shino were indicative of her building a profile of him in her mind. Some of the questions she asked Shino hadn't heard from any of his friends in years.

He was surprised but so happy even if his face couldn't convey the expression. For all the shit everyone gives Naruto she was a real person. Her tanned skin and blonde hair, while indicative of a gold digger in western society were how she naturally looked. Her charming whiskers lured him into her trickery nature and those clear blue eyes, so pure. They have never been tainted, her innocence shone so brightly.

Once Naruto was finished taking notes she packed up her things. "Do you want to grab milkshakes with me?" She looked at him hopefully. Then it struck Shino, he's being asked out.

"Are you asking me out?" He wanted confirmation. Naruto's expression turned red and she squeaked a bit.

"I want to say thank you. You were a massive help Shino," She looked down shyly, shifting her feet nervously.

Shino pushed his dark glasses up and nodded. Naruto immediately brightened and grabbed his arm to pull him out of the stool. Shino barely had time to catch his bag before he was tugged off the campus by Naruto.

Naruto held his hand as she swung it back and forth singing about getting milkshakes. Shino was amused watching her twirl in her pastel blue pleated skirt and an oversized black sweatshirt. Her single strap bag was hung across her chest and made sounds as she bounced around. "What fruits do you like, you seem like the type who doesn't like ice cream that much. The milkshake stand sells smoothies too."

"I prefer winter melon but I also like apples," He replied curtly and Naruto nodded as they soon arrived at the area. Since it was Friday many people were outside and getting orders. Shino felt Naruto squeeze his hand before pulling the door open and walking in. She made their orders, Shino being the type to not want too much social interaction.

She ended up with a sickeningly sweet chocolate milkshake while she bought Shino a watermelon smoothie. As they left the stand Shino was still aware that they were holding hands. "I like the way your hand feels in mine."

Naruto choked on her drink but she didn't let go of Shino's hand. He took it as a good sign that he hadn't creeped her out. "I'm sorry."

Naruto shook her head. "It's fine, I like holding hands with you."

They were both blushing but somehow they kept it up as Shino walked them to the blonde's apartment. Outside her door, Naruto gave him her phone number. "Call me, we can hang out more later. Only if you want to," She rushed out quickly as she leaned up to kiss his cheek before bolting inside. 

Shino was left stunned looking at her door and down at the piece of paper she gave him. Her number was written hurriedly, she was extremely nervous. He hummed to himself before walking home. He added her to his bleak social media profiles and sent a text to give her his number. Naruto was responding immediately and they started texting though Shino's texting was just like his real-life talking skills. They were one-word texts but Naruto carried the inbox with her memes and stickers and constant reassurance that Shino was making her happy.

They made plans for Saturday as well and for once Shino looked in his closet and wondered what he was going to wear. He was going on a date with a bubbly girl who loved wearing different outfits. 

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