Chapter 20

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Naruto looked around the empty apartment. It was her first and only apartment since when she got kicked out of the orphanage. It was the home Shino took refuge in, countless nights spent wrapped around each other. But now it was time for college, specifically, Shino was going to college. They found an apartment close to his new college but since he was Ivy material of course he got a full ride to Tokyo University. Shikamaru was coming along for the ride as well as he had gotten in but he was moving into the dorms although Shino and Naruto offered a room. 

Ino and Temari were now transitioning into their respective family businesses along with Choji and Kiba following the same path. It was a tearful goodbye and the airport but Shino and Naruto knew they were coming back when three years had passed. 

As soon as they landed Shino had to start school, it was left up to Naruto to fit their life in the new space majority of the day before cooking dinner for him when he came home from classes. She would wander around the room packing out while Shino talked about his day. Naruto couldn't understand a lick of any of the insects he opened up in class but that didn't stop her from trying to take an interest. Shino was appreciative of the effort and made her know by bringing home sweets for her to try and promising a tour date since the friends he had made planned to take him out that weekend. 

"Do they know about me?" Naruto asked nervously. 

"Of course they do, you're plastered all over my electronics and the band is visible," Shino lifted his hand to show a male version of her gold band that Naruto had gotten the next day after he proposed. She had tried to be fancy by dropping it in his food until he nearly choked on his piece of cake. Naruto vowed to never tamper with Shino's food like that ever again, she almost became a widow before marriage. 

Naruto was relieved but also a bit sad. "I won't be impressive to your new friends," She mumbled but Shino pulled her into his arms, cuddling in her breasts.

"Don't say silly things. Anyone who makes you uncomfortable let me know. Anyone who passes a remark let me know. I will not let you be disrespected, you are my wife, we are a team and it's going to stay that way." 

Naruto nodded and cupped Shino's cheeks to give him a kiss. "I'm sorry I just feel sorta useless for not going to college." 

"No need to apologize. You can do online courses to get certificates if you feel you aren't getting enough stimulation. How about baking, knitting, etc? You love those things." 

Naruto perked up at the suggestions as it was true and just like that Shino had diverted her mind from the negative thoughts she had been leaking. After eating dinner Shino spent the night helping Naruto sign up for online classes. They were snuggled up in bed, Shino stroking her back as they browsed courses to help Naruto keep herself occupied. Later in the night, Shino woke up alone in bed and Naruto's side was cold. He got up from bed and checked the clock to see it was almost 3 AM. 

He quietly headed out to the living room and saw Naruto in the kitchen making his lunch. It was moments like this that made Shino appreciate her. Here was his fiance burning the flames so he could have a proper lunch at school instead of buying junk. He could see she was making sweet and sour chicken with white rice. She shuffled over to the coffee machine to fill his thermos and dropped bottled water in his lunch pack. Snacks were poured in as well before the blonde zipped it up and set it on the shelf next to the door. She then cleaned up as Shino quietly went back to bed. 

It took some time but Naruto did come back to bed, quietly climbing in and clinging to him immediately. Her cold hands made his body stiffen but he knew they were cold from cleaning up the aftermath of making his lunch. She was humming as she rested on his chest. "What were you doing?" Shino whispered and Naruto gasped softly. 

"Don't scare me like that," She whispered back. 

Shino chuckled softly as the blonde huffed. "You can tell me." 

"I was being useful," Naruto hooked her legs over his frame. "I think you deserve a proper meal for going out and setting the groundwork for us to build a family. If I can't give you that much wouldn't I be a shitty wife?" 

"No you won't but I love you for it anyway," Shino kissed her forehead and they settled down again. 

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