Chapter 21

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"My fiance will be joining us since she's new to Tokyo as well. You don't mind do you?" Shino asked his new friend group which consisted of two guys and two girls. The girls were named TenTen and Haruka while the males were Sai and Heizo, they were like Shino, the quiet ones who observed and since the four of them grew up together it was obvious they bonded quite deeply. Shino joined the fold smoothly but they were rather curious about his future wife. 

It was quite a shock to find out he was engaged. Sure when they were in class they could see a blonde woman and Shino posing for the camera but her face was always caught at an angle or blocked by her thick locks of hair. What's more, she wasn't attending college. "Can you tell us a bit more about your fiance? We don't want to step on any toes." 

"To be blunt, Naruto's a bit of an airhead," Shino smiled fondly as he said it. "But she's thoughtful and very observant. She'll know if you have a dissatisfaction with her. She's my mouth in public settings and you'll see what I mean when you meet her." 

"And you're happy with her?" Haruka asked, her eyes keen on Shino's face hidden behind his face mask. 

"Extremely," Shino stuffed his hands into his pockets. "She's my angel, my clumsy angel." 

He was thinking back to that morning when Naruto tripped over a stray cord and bumped her knee against the coffee table. It was funny to listen to the clever silly words she used instead of cursing. He didn't want to go off into a daydream of his wife because hours could pass just thinking of her. His phone started buzzing and as expected it was Naruto. He answered and was put on a video call with her. Her phone was propped up and in the frame was a three-tiered wedding cake.

Naruto could be heard giggling out of the frame. "What do you think?" 

"I see you're acing your classes," Shino murmured proudly as Naruto tilted her face in the frame. Naruto was brimming with pride as she took the phone away from the cake and got fully in frame. 

"You do not want to see our kitchen," Naruto looked sheepish as she said this. "I'll clean up quickly, it's embarrassing." 

"You don't want my help?" Shino asked softly. 

"No, you need to rest after classes, I'll probably make glass noodle stir-fry for us then we can eat our wedding cake," She was beaming and Shino couldn't help but smile at her happiness. He was comforted knowing his darling had something to occupy herself while learning new things. Maybe Naruto would become a pastry chef, it didn't require science or technical subjects and it would give her creative freedom to explore her palette. 

"Are you telling me you want to get certified as a pastry chef?" 

Naruto hummed in thought. "Maybe, it shouldn't be too difficult for me right?" 

"I don't think so," Shino was shifting from foot to foot, aware that his friends were listening in. 

"But," Naruto blushed as the thought crossed her mind and now Shino really had to know about the but. 

"Come on you can tell me?" 

"I want to be a housewife, I want the time to make you big lunches and extend our palettes by learning new things. Also when we have children I want to be there to support them emotionally." 

'Ah, this is why I love you,' Shino thought. "Then I'll support us." 

Naruto started to fuss but Shino hung up before she could make it into a debate he will purposely lose in order to make her happy. "I'm heading home now, I've got a wedding cake to eat," He told his friends as he packed up his bags. 


"Naruto are you done? It's time to go," Shino called as he slipped on his shoes. Naruto hugged him from behind. He could see she had gone for letting her hair loose for the occasion and her outfit was cute as always. 

"Are we ready?" Shino asked and Naruto nodded but stopped halfway and rushed back to their bedroom and came back with a fanny pack and a black face mask

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"Are we ready?" Shino asked and Naruto nodded but stopped halfway and rushed back to their bedroom and came back with a fanny pack and a black face mask. She slipped it on Shino's face and switched his clear glasses for the darkest ones before nodding again. 

"Alright we're ready now," She grinned before they finally headed out and climbed into their car. "Tell me about your friends." 

"Well you have Haruka, TenTen, Sai and Heizo. Sai is an artist type, he has some really great pieces but he doesn't process emotions very well. Heizo is a bit of a nosy guy, he's rather quiet in the group, he could go hours without saying a word so don't be surprised. TenTen is into martial arts and self-defense, her parents own a local dojo in the area. As for Haruka, she's the one who could be considered the most extroverted. She has deep blue hair and loves video games," Shino started but he seemed bored just listing off the stuff and Naruto could tell. 

"You don't sound rather enthusiastic," Naruto pointed out. 

"You're right but I just see them as friends for now," Shino hummed as he tried to formulate his thoughts. "I know when college is over we'll go right back to our little circle of friends, in our town and be comfortable. I feel fully satisfied with my current roster of friends. I don't need anybody else." 

"Isn't Shikamaru on campus?" 

"He is, but he goes home every weekend to spend it with Temari and we aren't in the same faculty so we chat during lunch and some minutes before I come home. I can't wait for us to go back home." 

"Me too, sounds like you're feeling homesick," Naruto reached over to stroke his thigh, Shino held her hand in his and squeezed it softly. 

"Not really, a big chunk of my home is right here beside me," He kissed her hand and Naruto was left blushing as they continued to drive to the destination. 

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