Chapter 3

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On Sunday Naruto was sleeping in when her phone started ringing, she groaned softly as she answered the call, she didn't have any friends so who the hell was calling? 

"Did I disturb you?" 

The deep voice, odd and reassuring made Naruto snap upright in bed. "Shino!" She called happily through the phone. The Aubrame could be heard shuffling things around on the other end before he spoke again. 

"Are you busy today?" 

Naruto hesitated to answer as she did plan to go to the market to stock up on food. She wanted to be honest with Shino so she admitted her plight. "I have to go grocery shopping." 

"Can I join you?" 

Naruto began smiling. "Sure, just come over and we'll head out." 

When they hung up Naruto bounded into the bathroom to shower and freshen up into something casual but attractive.

When they hung up Naruto bounded into the bathroom to shower and freshen up into something casual but attractive

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She looked in the mirror for a long moment before she decided that this was the outfit. She slipped on a black fanny pack to the right side of her waist before heading into the kitchen to get her list from the fridge magnet along with some reusable bags she had tucked under the counter. She looked around her small apartment to see everything in place as she headed to the door to slip on some black slippers. When she got outside she could see Shino walking up the stairs to get to her door. He seemed sad, normally with Shino while he was only dressed in black and grey there was an air of indifference to him when it came to everything around him. 

Now however he was walking slowly alongside her, not saying anything and pulling away when Naruto tried to reach for his hand. She wanted Shino to talk to her but didn't want to force it out of him. She settled for holding onto his large jacket while she went shopping. It was a quiet affair and Shino was willing to hold the heavier bags as they made their way around the entire market before reaching back at the entrance. Naruto checked over everything to make sure she didn't forget anything as they were leaving. She spotted a walking vendor who had candy and Naruto rushed over to him to buy a bar of chocolate that she slipped into Shino's pocket. 

"Something to cheer you up and an offering to talk," She kissed his cheek and they headed back to her apartment. As Naruto dropped the bags in the doorway Shino suddenly hugged her from behind, burying his face in her shoulder and holding her waist tightly. He heard her surprised gasped but he didn't let go so they stood in the open doorway in an undisclosed hug. "Shino," Her voice was so alluring, especially holding her toned figure. 

"I'm sorry Naruto, I just need this right now," His hands were stroking her figure, tentative, gentle, and never seeking personal places like her breasts or close to her flower. Naruto's blush showed her flustered state at being held like this but she indulged Shino because she was slowly admitting to herself that she was interested in him as more than a budding friendship.

"It's okay," Naruto's voice was shaking, her body trembling as Shino traced her curves. She closed her eyes as she began getting warm. "I don't mind," It bordered on a moan but she bit her lips to keep it at bay. 

Shino kissed her forehead, the mask muffling it as he pulled away. Naruto was panting a little bit heavier than normal but she leaned on Shino for support. "Ready to talk?" 

"Let's pack these out before that." 

Naruto perked up immediately and she rushed to stock her kitchen while Shino just carried the bags closer to help speed up the current situation. It didn't take long as Naruto had already organized them beforehand so each bag just went to the section it was slated for it. Shino took out the chocolate bar Naruto gave him and began munching on it. It was the thought that made him feel warm inside as he watched her pack away her things. He was developing a fondness for sweet things. Be it sweets or the sweet girl in front of him. He smiled a bit. 

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