Chapter 5

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Shino couldn't help but notice how cute Naruto looked today. Whenever their eyes met she was blushing and waved at him. Shino smiled from under his mask and waved back at her much to the confusion of his friends. Naruto approached him during lunch and slid a paper to him. It was the chemistry activity from last week. She had gotten a 78 overall for the sheet. "It's my highest grade in Chemistry for the year," She was so excited and Shino ruffled her hair while keeping his amused expression at bay. 

"Do you want to go for milkshakes after school?" He asked softly and Naruto nodded and leaned on his shoulder. "What's your last class?" 

"I have Art, room 312," She murmured and reached out to take her sheet off the table but Shino swiped it before she could. 

"Can I keep this?" He asked as he held it away from the blonde who seemed puzzled. 

"Huh why?" Naruto tipped her head to the side. 

"Because I want it," He replied and Naruto shook her head fondly before nodding in affirmative. "Thanks, darling." 

Naruto blushed at the nickname before leaning on Shino's shoulder. "Don't say such things like that," She mumbled. 

"But you're being adorable about your grades. Of course, I'd want to hold onto this," He was smiling under his mask. She made a move to get up but Shino held onto her thigh. "Stay."

Naruto looked at him confused then took a quick glance at his friends that were doing different things but they were looking over at them from time to time. "I don't want to intrude," She whispered with a look of terror on her face. 

"We don't mind!" Ino spoke up quickly. "We're just surprised Shino made a new friend." 

"She's my girlfriend," Shino clarified and it took everything in Naruto not to bolt out of the seat and out the door. Shino squeezed her thigh so she went along with it as if her blushing face wasn't already supporting his claim. 

"Girlfriend?" Kiba looked at Naruto whose ears had turned red as the situation progressed. "Now that makes me depressed." 

"Can't you be happy for Shino for once, he finally has a girlfriend," Hinata gave Naruto a kind smile. "I'm Hinata, nice to meet you Naruto." 

Naruto's expression became sharp as she smiled at Hinata. "Nice to meet you Hinata." 

Lunched passed with Naruto mostly talking with Shino but did answer questions from his friends when it came to their relationship. How it started, etc. When Naruto was going to part ways due to it being advanced period and she was not in any advanced classes so she was going to Art class. "Bye, I'll see you after class," Naruto was swinging their arms as Shino leaned down to kiss her forehead without the mask. He pulled it back up quickly before reluctantly letting Naruto go. The blonde was beaming as she ran off to class. 

"Why Naruto?" Shikamaru asked eventually when they sat together in Calculus class. Shino pushed his dark glasses up. "You know what they say about her." 

"I know but she's nothing like that," Shino seemed to have a fondness in his voice for her. "I don't know why they villainize her for her features but it's all-natural and for our dates, she paid for everything." 

This made Shikamaru see a different side. Shino was known for being able to pick apart people like second nature and he would call you out whenever you were faking anything about yourself at any given time. It was unspoken but you would go to Shino to learn if something was off with any other members of the group. So if he said Naruto was genuine and not at all like the rumors around the school then who started them to make the blonde outcasted. It didn't make sense. 

"Are you happy with her?" Shikamaru asked, to answer Shino pulled his mask down which showed a full smile.

"I am happy with her." 

Shikamaru could accept that and they turned to face forward as the class started. 

After class Shino packed up his bags and told his friends goodbye as he headed in the opposite direction to the art room. No one was inside other than Naruto who seemed to be drying a painting she did in class. He entered the room and made sure to lock the door behind him. The blonde looked over at the door and saw Shino which made her smile and turn off the blow dryer. 

He walked over and pulled her into his chest. "Hey baby," He murmured softly and she giggled. 

"You have some explaining to do mister," She poked his chest jokingly. Shino hopped onto the teacher's table and Naruto was standing between his legs so they could at least be on the same eye level. 

"Alright lay it on me." 

"Girlfriend?" She asked but Shino could tell she was nervous since she was looking down. 

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked instead and he loved watching Naruto's cheeks turn pink. 

"Yeah, I'd love that," Naruto squealed a bit as she hugged him. His arms settled down around her waist and held her close while she was pressed to him. He pulled down his mask as Naruto pulled away a bit to finally kiss her. Naruto's fingers were combing through his hair as they kissed and Shino was playing with her blonde locks as well. 

It was perfect. 

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