Chapter 9

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They were hugging outside of Shino's locker while Naruto showed him pictures of the beetles that morning. Some had developed orange spots on their shells and she was freaking out until Shino told her that they were the females of the species and were just going into mating season. She gained this embarrassed blush that had her hiding her face in his chest. He laughed softly as he poked fun at her. "This is not funny, this is a shame!" She punched him lightly. 

"I'm sorry, sorry," Shino held her arm in a firm but gentle touch. "It's just so cute to see you worried is all," He explained but it was only making her even pinker in cheeks. 

"As long as they're okay," Naruto mumbled as Shino pulled down his mask to kiss her. "Put your mask back up." 

He obliged her as they began walking to Naruto's first class for the day. When parting ways Shino made his way to the roof of the school where one of his informants had spent the week prior gathering data on Naruto's high school years before meeting Shino. It was a lot and it was placed on a USB stick that he promptly took while handing over money before leaving to get his laptop from his locker and getting into the library. He found a spot in the back away from everyone and began to read and look at the logs of social media from various people.

He frowned a bit as he recognized the two persons behind Naruto being outcasted. Sasuke Uchiha and his girlfriend Sakura Haruno. According to the information they came to high school as best friends but a conflict happened when Sakura and Sasuke got together as a couple. "This isn't my Naruto," He murmured as he read that Naruto and Sakura had become violent.

Afterward, the rumors started with Sakura with Naruto ignoring her in favor of allowing herself to become isolated as no one believed her. Shino however believed her and was going to get justice. "You fucking bitch, I'll burn you down."

He slammed the laptop down and got up as the bell rang.

Naruto was playing with her pen as the rest filed out of the class. She opened her phone and saw a few texts from her boyfriend. She tilted her head as he told her to meet him in the abandoned art room. She got up and easily blended into the halls before slipping into the room. Once the door was shut she made her way over to Shino who was pacing at the front of the class.

"Are you okay?" She asked softly.

Shino turned to her and grasped her cheeks as they shared a small kiss. Naruto was blushing as she felt her whiskers being stroked so tenderly. She smiled and closed her eyes and melted into a deeper kiss. The tenderness with which Shino held her was something that made her feel light. When they pulled back Naruto blinked stupidly. He chuckled at her reaction.

"Still teasing me, stop it," She looked away flustered at this situation.

"You have no idea," Shino laughed. "I love seeing your pout."

"Meanie," Naruto smiled up at his face.

"Maybe but I have valid reasons," He kissed her forehead. "But I have a request. I want you to be honest about it too."

Naruto's expression became serious and she nodded to show her willingness toward the situation. "Go ahead, sounds serious."

"What happened to cause you to become outcasted? The rumors? What caused it all?"

Naruto squirmed in his hold, looking away as her eyes glossed with tears. She looked back at him. "Why are you asking?"

"Please just tell me Naruto," He pressed and she bit her lip before opening up about it.

"I grew up with two close friends. Sasuke and Sakura, you know, that power couple in the advanced courses?"

Shino nodded and Naruto continued.

"Well we both liked Sasuke but I knew I didn't have a chance with him. He had told me so himself and I accepted it but it didn't stop me from creating memories with them. Eventually, Sakura got paranoid about me making moves on her boyfriend and started the rumors. Sasuke stood by and watched it all go down."

Naruto laughed softly but you could see her eyes watering. She wanted to break down and Shino held her close and let her do just that. He was angry and promised to expose them but he would have to be careful about it.

"You don't mind me getting revenge right?"

"Shino it's fine-"

"No, it isn't, you shouldn't endure this. At the very least we should clear up the rumors."

Naruto finally nodded and Shino counted his victory for today. Settling to comfort his girlfriend who was finally letting out the pent up emotions on the situation.

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