Chapter 16

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The stock market crashed for every Uchiha-associated company by midday, Naruto stared at her phone as her eyes slowly looked over at Shino who was still blank in the face but she could feel it. That proud, mischievous aura he had when he had done something clever. She made sure to swallow her mouthful and remain quiet so as not to draw attention as the school went into gossip mode as Sasuke and Sakura were picked up from school immediately. 

Shino sipped on his juice box and leaned his head on his girlfriend's shoulder. Naruto ran her fingers through his hair and leaned into his ear. "Thank you." 

Shino squeezed her in a side hug and said no more. That was all there is to the situation. He was content with the revenge, the Uchiha company would never recover from the amount of dirt Shino leaked on them. She smiled tears in her eyes, it was finally had, she had gotten her moment. 

Later that day after school, Shino tutored Naruto in Chemistry again, the subject that brought them together but this time the conversation wasn't about the topic itself, it was now about the future. Naruto knew what Shino pulled to tear down the Uchiha Corporation in her defense wasn't a small feat. She wanted to repay him for the sacrifice but Shino wouldn't entertain the idea. 

"I can promise you anything!" She insisted and at the moment Shino wanted to take advantage of her naive nature. It wasn't for anything dark or even demanding. 

"Anything?" He raised his eyebrows and Naruto blushed. 

"Not anything perverted!" She rushed to cover his mouth as he opened it to say something. 

Shino chuckled and hugged her tightly. Naruto stood there, enjoying the warmth of his body. He leaned onto her shoulder. "Promise me just one thing." 

"What is it?" She whispered softly. 

"Marry me in the future," Shino squeezed her. "It sounds desperate and clingy but I don't ever want us to end Naruto. I don't say it often but please know that I do love you dearly." 

Naruto hugged him back eagerly. "I love you too!" She pulled him down into a kiss. "I'll marry you, I promise." 

Somehow Shino believed her. 

Had he really secured a wife? Maybe he had, maybe he hadn't. Only when graduation came around would he be able to answer that question when he proposed to Naruto. It would be in a few months, he was nervous and maybe he was jumping the gun because this was his first love, his first girlfriend but deep down he knew he would regret not going at least this far. He had to, for his own sake. 

Naruto was giggling as she swayed in his arms. "We'll get married!" 

'She's so precious, so innocent.' 

He would do anything to make her happy. 

Shino served her his own version of ramen. It didn't carry a heavy scent but it seemed it didn't put Naruto off from grinning ear to ear. She eagerly dug in, savoring her first bite before her eyes got glittery. "It's so tasty, the lack of scent definitely threw me for a curve but the flavor makes up for it so much." 

Naruto packed away two bowls while Shino finished his only bowl while watching a movie, the blonde was laying on her stomach, legs kicking in the air as she stared at the television. Her blonde hair was done up in two pigtails. Shino eventually curled up on her back snuggling her as she continued to watch the movie. 

"Don't you want to watch the movie?" Naruto asked softly. 

"Not really, I just like to spend time with you," Shino replied. 

"Do you want to explore my body again?" It was an innocent question and one that had Shino growling in the back of his throat at the thought. He looked up at her, her eyes had glistened from the expectation. Had she become tickled pink from his touch? Maybe she had, it was enough for him to kiss her, to hold her tightly by the waist and turn her over onto his lap. He couldn't get enough of her sweet, hot velvety mouth. Their tongues were pressed together in gentle caresses as Shino stroked up her back to unhook her bra. 

"Would you let me?" He asked as they parted for a breath. Naruto nodded, wrapping her arms around his neck. Shino buried his face in her neck, kissing and marking her over the barely healed skin. Naruto moaned softly in his ear, gripping his hair as they frothed against each other. 

"Shino," She cried softly. 

"Naruto," His voice was gruff but it showed that he was affected by her. 

They kissed, stifling each other's moans as they rolled around on the carpet, trying to figure each other out. 

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