Chapter 30

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Time Skip - 10 Years

Kawaki was a 'troubled' child. 

He was nothing like his parents. The kind airhead Naruto and the stoic and silent Shino were nowhere to be seen in Kawaki who scowled at anything that wasn't his parents. His father was famous, which made him famous for having a father with so many breaks in science. Kawaki was indifferent to the attention he garnered from his father's fame. He wouldn't kick or scream because this was his life and he accepted that this is what came with his father. 

His mother on the other hand was in the same situation. She's a whimsical painter who got downright demonic when neither he nor his father didn't finish their plate. She was the one he could run to, she had bouts of wisdom that opened his eyes whenever he was deep into the abyss of a breakthrough. Her flowing blonde hair that dragged through the house made you aware that she was home. She filled this home with such energy that made Kawaki so peaceful when he came home. 

Often times he didn't understand their relationship. His father was too quiet for his tastes but his mother was too loopy for him as well. He didn't understand where he stood with either of them since they didn't mind his aloof nature or dismissive tendencies. His mother would give him this creepy knowing smile while his father just stared behind his dark glasses without comment. He didn't lack their attention, they smothered him with it. Whenever he observed them from afar he could feel the love radiating from his mother for his father and while he couldn't feel it from his father his actions spoke for him. His father was gentle with his mother, he would sit and listen to her boring retelling of the gossip his friends' mothers talked about. She in turn would be invested in whatever he was currently working on at the company. 

He just didn't get it when his father would braid his mother's hair in the bathroom after she washed it when it would be free in two days due to it causing her a headache. His father did it time and time again without complaint. He figured his mother got lucky because those things used to annoy him to hell, but it stopped when Kawaki heard his mother gush over their high school and college days. He asked his mother how they got together and while it was sad it was also heartwarming. 

"Well I asked him out after he was tutoring me on a subject," Naruto smiled gently. "Back then I was the outcast because of my former friends spreading some disgusting rumors. Shino didn't care, he protected me, got me new friends, and took care of me even though I had more money than him back then." 

It had touched Kawaki and he turned to his father with the same question that night when they sat together on the sofa, mother was cleaning the kitchen. Shino's answer was profound. 

"She asked me out when I was in the depths of my depression," Shino looked over at Naruto standing in the kitchen scrubbing the pot that had held pasta. "I was starting to distance myself from my friends due to my parents and older brother abusing me. She saved me so I didn't care for her baggage and did everything in my power to protect her until I had power myself." 

Kawaki could feel the tears in his eyes at the confession. It was the most emotion he had heard in his father's voice. He leaned on his father's bulging bicep and Shino wrapped his arm around Kawaki's small body. 

"You find us being together weird," Shino stated. "Sometimes I find it weird despite being with her for more than a decade. She's not all there in the head but when it counts she's always ready. She was so excited when carrying you to term as was I as I wanted to be a good father. I was afraid of my past experiences with my father would mean I could become that for you." 

Kawaki clung to him as the tears started to trail down his cheeks. 

"But your mother always kept me on my feet. Her reassurance and guidance have made it so that I don't give in to self-doubt. I was always very insecure until Naruto came around," Shino chuckled softly. 

"But aren't you disappointed?" Kawaki asked as he looked up at his father. "I don't have traits from either of you." 

Shino frowned. "You are your own persona Kawaki, yes some parents and children share hobbies and personality traits and even quirks or verbal ticks but not always. I looked nothing like my father and my interests didn't line with the rest of the family. How could I be disappointed? You are my son and I love you no matter what you do or how you act." 

"Thank you, Dad," Kawaki dried his tears. 

And so began Kawaki's 'troubled' youth. 

His parents were often mocked behind the backs of other parents at his school that weren't his parent's friends. His mother was called a gold digger because of her angelic features resembling western gold diggers in movies. His father was ridiculed as a spineless man despite the fact he was built like a tank and towered over him and his mother. His parents heard these comments but it didn't bother Naruto because quite frankly her skin was still far too thick from her schooling days. Shino made note of their names and the companies they worked for and aimed to cripple their place of work. He would often strike deals with these companies and whenever he made a suggestion that a particular employee had slighted him they were dealt with. 

Kawaki didn't know this so he took the only route he could. 

Beating the crap out of the kids they sent to school. It was a scandalous affair but Shino silenced them when Kawaki started to reveal what they had said about his parent around their kids. Kawaki played the victim that snapped due to peers bullying him. While his mother didn't condone his actions she was touched that he would do this for them. 

They were his parents! His loving parents loved each other and him dearly. He vowed to become someone powerful in the future to take care of them when they got old. For now, he would enjoy his early 'rebellion' stage until those snot-nosed brats had their balls dropped. 

"Shino this is serious," Naruto lightly hit his chest repeatedly as they made their way from Kawaki's room which was tucked in. How he could be a menace in school put Angel at home and amused Shino to no end. 

"I know but I'm proud," He smirked. "I'm even more touched he would do it for me too. I can understand you, you're more easy to pick apart and degrade. Besides, I love seeing that expression of a bird shitting in their mouth when he picks them apart. Lying so blatantly about them telling their children is just a cherry." 

"But his reputation," Naruto blubbered as tears welled in his eyes. 

"Will be fine," Shino assured her. "Kawaki is destined for success. You know one night he asked me if we were disappointed because he didn't share any personality traits with us. I said no, that he's his own person but I'm starting to believe he just inherited our twisted sides, plus he's adorable like you when eating." 

Naruto rolled her eyes playfully but knew Kawaki would grow out of it......hopefully. If anything just blame it on bullies who were jealous because he got a powerful father and a stunning mother. 

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