Meet The Bad Guys

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Hey guys! Sorry I was been so lazy of making my own version of the Bad Guys movie with an OC insert, but I finally did it! I had the motivation in me to write it all along. It took a while, but I finally did it! Just like how I planned since the first trailer came out! So, for this story, my version of the Bad Guys movie would be a little the same, except that I had my OC here inserted, Mr. Hornet. I didn't write all of the scenes from the movie since not everything had changed for my version. The only changes were my OC being in the movie, and his point of view.

But you will enjoy this as much as you enjoyed my first Bad Guys story that happened after the event of the movie. So, have fun!


Outside, the two legendary criminals strolled down the sidewalk side by side. All around them, people veered away and skittered to hide their faces–the Bad Guys were well-known, and highly feared. Cars and trucks screeched to a halt, making it easy for the two to cross the street to the front doors of the Big Bank.

"Guinea pigs, huh? Wolf asked again. Seemed like an odd choice for a favorite snack. Who would pick a tiny little rodent over a nice, sweet piece of birthday cake?

"It's the Rolls-Royce of rodents," Snake said, flicking his tongue. All this talk of rodents was making him hungry–even though they'd just finished lunch. But then again, Snake was always up for a snack.

"Yeah," Wolf said, shaking his head, "But still a rodent. You know what I mean?"

Outside the Big Bank, the two friends admired the posters hanging on the building's windows. There were dozens of WANTED posters, all featuring Mr. Wolf and Mr. Snake's mugshots. Wolf nodded appreciatively–it felt good to be known.

"Don't mind us," Wolf said, flashing a charming smile at one of the people passing as they strolled through the bank's massive front doors, "Just robbin' this place."

As soon as they were inside, tucked safely into the air-conditioned building full of money, Wolf and Snake switched into autopilot. They'd pulled off so many of these heists over the years, it was almost too easy to do a job like this. Now, as they strolled up to the teller, the two Bad Guys each bared their razor-sharp fangs and Wolf flashed his knife-like claws. The bank teller froze for a second, then screamed–loud and long–as soon as he realized what was any bank employee's worst nightmare.

Today, Wolf and Snake shared an amused look, then grabbed the bank's giant safe from behind the counter. In the next second, they fled. Everything was going exactly according to plan. The two friends exploded out the side windows of the bank and tossed the giant safe into the back of the Bad Guys' car.

The car was Wolf's pride and joy, a gorgeous sports car fit for celebrities–celebrities like the Bad Guys! Wolf slid into the driver's seat while Snake slid into the passenger's seat beside him, the safe snuggled on right on Snake's lap.

Wolf pressed the gas pedal and floored it. Zipping through the streets of Los Angeles, Wolf felt lighter than air. They had cash for days, his best friend was at his side trying to crack a new safe they'd just stolen, and the cops were hot on their tail. There was no better—or more satisfying—way to spend an afternoon.

"Go bad..." Wolf started, his smile spreading across his face.

"Or go home," Snake finished.

After a fast drive through the streets, Wolf then turned to his window to notice the viewers.

"Hey, you. Get over here."

But no one responded to it.

"A little bit closer."

The Bad Guys (my version)Where stories live. Discover now