Broken Friendships

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There is one thing that I don't like about Diane was her misinterpretation about Wolf's friendship with the other Bad Guys. Diane's conversation with Wolf meant that it was better for him to "cut ties" with his friends to change his ways, but the thing I'm upset about is Diane never understood how much Wolf's friends meant so much to him, and he got hurt for betraying them. I would've thought that Diane saw the rest of the Bad Guys as loads for Wolf to carry and could bring him down, like how Marmalade tricked Wolf to choose between his friends and a good life.

So, I decided to write down another part of the conversation between Wolf and Diane about their opinions about friendships.

Here's a new chapter, so good luck and have fun with this.


Once Wolf and Diane stopped by a suburban street, which must be Diane's house, Diane turned to Wolf.

"Hey. You okay?" Diane asked Wolf.

Wolf shook his head. "No, I'm not okay. I'm very, very un-okay." He lowered his head, feeling ashamed, "Just left the only friends I have ever had, so what am I...what am I doing?"

Diane sighed, seeing that this wasn't the person she saw Wolf as.

"I know this isn't easy," Diane confessed, trying to comfort him. "Leaving everything behind."

"Do you?" Wolf muttered.

"I was the best thief in the world," Diane said, feeling a bit dreamy as she reflected back on her early criminal days, "Fast, fearless, inventive. I just had one thing left to steal."

"The Golden Dolphin," Wolf guessed, turning to her. "So you went after it."

"I didn't just go after it," Diane explained, "I had it. And a clear escape route. But...all I saw in the end was the tricky fox that they always told me I was. It changed everything."

She paused for a moment, her ears lowering. She was all alone when she gave into the 'tricky fox' stereotype. How long that impacted her. How long it took her to realize that it wasn't what she wanted to be when she was younger. She nearly became the bully that time as she stopped in realization of her actions when she saw herself in the mirror.

"So, now, instead of hurting people," Diane continued,. "I'm helping them. I'm still me. I'm on the right side."

Wolf nodded. This wasn't the legendary story he heard from the Crimson Paw. As he stared at the distance, Diane placed a hand onto his shoulder.

"You're doing the right thing," said Diane. "And someday your friends, if they're real friends, I think they'll understand."

Wolf shook his head as he gently push Diane's hand off. This was different, but it didn't settle right if abandoning his friends was the right choice. Diane didn't know that he had been around them for a long time to know them really well.

I was just a reflex of what Wolf just did when Diane was talking about his friends, "How could you say that?! They are my friends! My real friends! There was no condition for them to prove they are my friends!"

But Diane was a bit surprised at this when Wolf reacted too quickly, "Whoa, Wolf, don't overreact much. All I'm saying is you did the right thing, and your friends needed more time to understand you because they are your friends."

Wolf snapped back at her, "What are you saying?! Are you saying they aren't my real friends from the start?! Are you saying that they are a bad influence? Are you saying that they are just people who gave me a wrong life?!"

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