Gala of Goodness

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Hey guys, so this is the new chapter, but I wanna give you guys a warning that this chapter contained angst and drinking moments.

This also reveals a new OC for The Bad Guys.

Have fun!


Inside the car, on their way to the gala, all 6 Bad Guys were in the middle of their big heist discussion as Wolf addressed how the plan was gonna go, "All right, guys, this is the big one!"

While explaining, the scene changed to play out the entire gala arena, including how the heist was gonna go, as he mentioned, "The Golden Dolphin is inside a titanium case controlled by a randomly generated five-digit code, a code kept safe and secure inside a briefcase handcuffed to the chief of police."

It showed the party in full swing as the chief had a silver briefcase handcuffed to her wrist, as she marched to the table, watching the party going on very suspiciously, keeping a close look out for the Bad Guys.

"She's not messing around," commented Piranha off-screen.

Wolf continued, "The code is only accessible with her authorized fingerprints."

It then showed Snake, sneaking easily behind the chief and getting into the briefcase and pulling out a piece of paper that had the code on it.

"Leave that to me," replied snake off-screen.

Wolf then added, "While Snake gets the code, Shark will secure the fake Dolphin."

It then showed a table where a fake Golden Dolphin was, with Shark easily swiping it while leaning against the table, pretending to look cool

"I like the sound of that," answered Shark off-screen.

Wolf continued to explain the plan, "Meanwhile, the rest of us plant circuit jammers."

"Allowing me to hack into the power grid," added Tarantula off screen.

It then showed Piranha, Snake, Shark, and Hornet secretly planting electronic jammers onto the power grids before the scene changed to Tarantula, who was standing on the beat player of a DJ turntable set, and was using a small computer with her hard drive plugged in, hacking into the power grid of the light system.

"Same as always, Hornet have to keep an eye on things to make sure everything will go according to plan," Wolf added on his plan

"Piece of cake. My eyes are sharper than an eagle," Hornet chuckled confidently off-screen.

Wolf then added, "At the end of the night, we toast the professor, 'Blah-blah-blah, yada yada,' and when I say 'Marmalade,' lights go out, and we'll have exactly four seconds to make our move."

The scene then changed to all 6 Bad Guys on stage, with Wolf saying a "thank you" speech in honor of Marmalade, while behind his back, he held a stick remote, and used his thumb to press the big red button on it that made the lights go out. In the darkness, the team made their move, with Snake inputting the code, making the glass case lower, and then using his tail to grab the real Golden dolphin while Shark placed the fake one on the pedestal just in time for the glass walls to raise back up and cover it while Snake swallowed the real golden dolphin trophy.

"The old switcheroo," commented Snake off-screen.

Wolf mentioned, "Chief hands Marmalade the fake Dolphin, we get our pardon, applause, applause, exit stage right, and by the time they realize what happened..."

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