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*One year later...*

At the prison entrance, Wolf and Snake were turning in their jumpsuits and collecting the last bit of their regular clothing. Due to exhibiting good behavior, their sentence got reduced, and the Bad Guys only spent a year in jail, and we're now finally free.

Meanwhile, while collecting their respective jacket/hat, Wolf was talking to Snake, "Okay, so imagine it's your birthday."

"It is my birthday," replied Snake.

As they both gave the officer in the booth their jumpsuits, Snake grabbed his hat and placed it on his head while Wolf, who was carrying his jacket, commented, "Yeah, I know. So, but we're walking along and you meet a genie.

Snake asked in reply, "Okay, what's his name?"

"What's the genie's name?" Wolf asked back.

"Yeah, I want to know who I'm talking to," replied Snake.

Wolf replied, thinking off the top of his head, "I don't know, Genie or Gene for short. So he offers you three wishes."

A male officer gave Snake a thumbs up, which the reptile saw.

"Why three?" Snaked asked while turning back at Wolf.

Wolf answered again, "You know, industry standard. Now, what do you wish for?

Snake started to think, "Uh..."

"Good luck out there, guys," a passing police officer commented as he walked by them.

"I'm gonna go with nothing," he said, replying with a smile.

Wolf chuckled, mentioning while nudging Snake, "Nothing? Come on, it's your birthday."

Two officers that greeted them at the door pretended to act surprised before they smiled and gave a "good luck out there" gesture to them.

Passing through the doors with Wolf, Snake commented, "All right, but what do I need wishes for? I got my freedom."

Shark, Piranha, and Tarantula, who were already dressed in their regular attire, greeted both boys at the front door.

"Hey," commented Tarantula, who was hanging on the door before crawling onto the floor.

"Guys," greeted Shark.

"Finally, we've been waiting," Hornet smirked

"Looking good, hermanos," complimented Piranha as they all started to walk over to the jail entrance doors.

"I got my friends" added Snake, who was continuing his answer to Wolf's comment.

"Aw," said Tarantula, who appreciated the comment.

Snake continued, "I got the skin of a reptile half my age."

Shark replied, "I don't know about half your age, but you do look good."

"Well, that's because you just molted," Wolf mentioned.

"Yes, I did," Snake answered happily.

"That's part of the snake biology. Everyone should know that's the best part," Hornet mentioned

"You smell good, too," added Shark.

Snake complimented himself, saying as all 6 Bad Guys exited through the doors before the doors closed behind them, "I'm shiny; I'm gorgeous."

They all laughed happily, embracing the first bit of their new freedom, before looking both ways across the road in front of them, feeling unsure of what to do next.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2022 ⏰

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