The Bad Guys Reunited

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We are so close to the epilogue. Make the most of it! Enjoy the story.


Diane finally arrived at the police station, adjusting her tie as she prepared for her presentation. Need to impress the fuming Chief standing at the parking lot as she talked to Tiffany Fluffit, her camera crew, and Mira Rose, interviewing her. She simply jumped off and her motorcycle turned back into a suitcase, leaving it for another time for another ride later.

"Chief," called Diane. "Thank you that you're here."

"This better be good," grumbled Chief Luggins. "I got reports of a 'guinea pig invasion' and the charity trucks being stolen. What is going on there? Who in the world would be stealing of all of them?"

"Trust me," reassured Diane. "It's going to be someone you don't expect. You don't want to miss this."

"Look!" gasped Tiffany, pointing to the arriving car.

Everyone's attention was on the Bad Guys as Wolf drove the car over with the meteorite right at the back. All for everyone to see.

Chief's eyes widened as she adjusted her cap. Never thought in her life she would see the Bad Guys doing a heroic feat. "Well, butter my crumpets."

Tiffany was ecstatic to see this. "Can it be? The Bad Guys are returning the meteorite? Perhaps this is the feel-good story we all need!"

Hearing Tiffany's news update from the radio, the Bad Guys cheered. This was something different they never heard before. This time, they helped to do the right thing and that could help them get out of prison. They wouldn't have to take the blame for taking the meteorite and stealing the charity money! They could show that they weren't monsters anymore!

Even though Hornet would face another worst moment of his life again, like how he was at the Gala of Goodness, he couldn't let this secret dark past would separate him from his friends, who were happy in response when they found out they will be declared as "heroes" after this whole mess, "Well, guess we could get use to that."

"Do you guys think they'll throw us a party?" Tarantula guessed

"Yeah!" Piranha said, loving the idea. "With fireworks, piñatas and cake!"

However, upon the mention of cake, this reminded them of Snake. If he was with them, he would insist that he wouldn't like to have cake at a party to celebrate their victory. But he wasn't here. He wasn't.

They all turned to where Snake usually sat at and spotted the gold and white birthday hat he wore during his birthday. It was already crumpled since Snake rejected it and left it behind in the car. To them, it nearly felt as if a part of Snake was already ripped away from them. Out there...with the wrong crew who never saw the same way as they do.

Wolf stopped the car, braking to a pause.

Diane raised an eyebrow. Since she was far from the car, she wondered what was going on with them.

Wolf looked up with a dejected look.

She tilted her head. She glanced at his crew. Then at the meteorite. She remembered that Marmalade was still out there with Snake, but...did they have another idea? And they had no idea how they would be able to use it to shut off the mind-controlled guinea pigs.

While Wolf wanted to go for a better life without living in fear, he and his friends couldn't go along with doing it without Snake. He hung his head between his arms and slapped his hand against the steering wheel

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