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Hey guys. Sorry the post was delay. I was busy with college work, but I managed post it today as soon as possible!


It would have been heaven if the police didn't arrive. As soon as Wolf managed to pull himself onto the bridge, he could see the maniacally-grinning Chief Luggins looming over him. Having second thoughts, he immediately tried going back down.

Before he could warn the others, Chief already pulled the hook up for them to be safe on the bridge.

"That is it," Chief chuckled "There is absolutely no way you're getting away this time!"

However, before she could leap into action, Diane stepped in between the Bad Guys and the chief of police, "Wait, Chief!"

Chief Luggins was surprised to see the governor standing in between her and the Bad Guys, commenting in confusion, "Governor Foxington?"

Diane stood firm while her hand was up, "Don't do this. They didn't steal the meteorite; they were bringing it back."

The chief didn't seem to believe her, and snapped, "Ha! How could you know that?" Then, a thought entered the female officer's mind, making her smile smugly, "Unless...unless you were conspiring with a bunch of known criminals."

Diane, hearing this, decided that now was the best time to finally come clean about her past and admit the truth, hoping that it could just save the Bad Guys one last time...even if it meant she would pay the price for it. With a heavy heart, the fox answered, "Well," she took a minute to clear her throat before answering slowly, "As a matter of fact, it's time I came clean about something."

The Bad Guys were stunned to see the governor about to risk everything just to try and save them one last time as they heard Diane say, "The truth is I'm really...r-really..."

Wolf then stepped in, and said as a last-minute act to protect Diane's reputation, "Really a big fan of redemption arcs. Yeah, we know."

He smiled, and looked back at his team, with Snake, Piranha, Shark, and Tarantula nodding at him, knowing what they were gonna do. But Hornet, on the other hand, without his friends noticing, he felt hesitant to guess what they were nodding about.

Giving Diane the kitten in his arms, Wolf then placed both wrists dropped down in front of the chief, saying, "We're done running away."

"Yeah," commented Piranha, who followed what Wolf did.

"Mm-hmm," added Shark who also had his wrists out as well.

"Yeah," stated Tarantula, who was doing what the boys did.

"Yep," replied Snake, who stuck the tip of his tail out since he did not have any wrists.

But Hornet was the only one who hadn't surrendered himself yet. His fear had finally come true. His friends decided to become good, and it reminded him much of his past. If his friends would go good, and that meant he would be one too! After 3 years of ignoring his past, it came back to him completely, and, it got his friends too. He couldn't let them convince him to be good like them too. He just couldn't. Before he decided to fly away to escape, Hornet noticed Mira standing along with the other police officers. She formed a warm smile, and gestured a hand that pointed to the rest of the Bad Guys.

Just a sight of Mira and her gesture reminded Hornet about her advice she gave to him at the Gala of Goodness while he was drunk. Sure he was drunk that time, but he still remembered his conversation with Mira, even when he drank down his misery that night. The way Mira showed her gesture, she meant to say, like her advice that night, that he should join his friends to surrender to the authorities.

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