Goodness exercises

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Please enjoy this new chapter!


The next day, over at a large, beautiful compound on a grassy green hill near the street, Marmalade was getting ready for his first "good lesson" teaching for the Bad Guys to help them learn how to be good.

Inside the compound, the guinea pig's humming could be heard alongside some beautiful piano playing as the first scene shows a statue of Marmalade, who appeared to be completely nude, except for a three-leaf clover covering his "special area" and was holding up the Love Crater meteorite with one arm, made completely out of stellar marble.

In another room, a tall, bald man with very little brown hair that stuck out to the sides, with sunglasses over his eyes, who wore a red turtleneck sweater and a white suit jacket over it, and a little red doorman's hat on his head, was helping Marmalade prepare for the arrival of his "students." The human helping him fluffed Marmalade's hair, placed a shiny ring with a green emerald on his finger, and made sure there was no dust on his sleeves.

Then, he slowly used his fingers to massage Marmalade's shoulders gently. While this went on, Marmalade heard his doorbell ring, making the guinea pig smile, and said, "Oh, goody," he hopped down from his stand and headed to the door, with the human following him.

Outside, the Bad Guys were climbing up the steps and arriving inside the compound, marveling over how fancy the place was.

"Wow," Wolf whispered

"Big and fancy," added Tarantula in awe.

"Rodent's got taste! Okay," commented Shark excitedly

"Huh. Almost makes me want to be cute," mentioned Snake, who secretly held in the urge to facepalm from just saying that, despite how impressive the place looked.

Hornet was also looking around the place, but, unlike his friends, he wasn't impressed by all of this, "Eh, it's fine, I guess."

The Bad Guys were entering a room surrounded by a lot of beautiful plants that were growing around a large podium where the statue was.

Suddenly, they heard a voice saying, "They say experience is the best teacher. And they are wrong."

The Bad Guys looked around, wondering where the voice came from, before they turned around and saw Professor Marmalade, and the human, standing next to the statue, with the guinea pig adding, "I am. Good morning, students of goodness, and welcome to the first day of the rest of your best life!"

Piranha then looked up and saw something that made him smile, as he exclaimed while pointing and jumping up and down, "A giant butt!"

All of the other Bad Guys looked up, in surprise, at the statue of Marmalade holding the Love Crater Meteorite.

Marmalade himself also looked up at his statue as he answered with a chuckle, "Uh, it's-it's not a butt. It's a lamp."

To demonstrate it was a lamp, he clapped his hands twice, making the lamp turn on and light shine out from the holes on the lamp, while he added, "In the shape of the Love Crater Meteorite, my greatest...

However, Piranha, being hilariously, and adorably clueless, asked while scratching the back of his head, "I wonder whose butt it is."

Shark gasped in surprise at the statement while Wolf felt a little nervous, wanting to step in and try to explain to Piranha that it was NOT a butt, before anything got out of hand. Even though everyone wasn't comfortable with Piranha's curiosity and pointing out the heart-shaped-meteorite lamp was about, Hornet started to have a sense of humor about this as he tried to keep his mouth shut and hold his laughter in his throat. He thought Piranha's lack of common sense was funny.

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