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This is one of my favorite chapters yet. Hope you like it.


The Bad Guys were never given a chance to tell the police that they were framed for stealing the meteorite. In fact, the authorities decided that they were already done with trying to redeem themselves. The best place they 'think' for them to be at was a prison island called 'Super Ultra Crazy Max'. A criminal prison island that was far away from the city which meant there would be no turning back for any of them.

Dropped off, handcuffed and still buzzing over what happened, the Bad Guys walked through the long hallway before arriving in a larger room consisting of an office, a mugshot picture area and a large area that led to jail cells.

"I can't believe we got double-crossed by a tiny rodent," Shark said.

"Oh, we got double-crossed by a rodent all right," Snake growled, giving Wolf a sharp glare. "But, uh, not a tiny one."

"What?" Wolf felt offended.

"Yeah, I mean, what the heck, Hornet?" Tarantula thought it was Hornet to blame for all of this.

"What? Me?" Hornet inquired.

"You were supposed to be the look-out. As in, our look-out. You should be looking out of things if everything's according to plan. But instead, you just disappeared all of a sudden. Heck, you haven't even participated in the heist," Tarantula explained.

Piranha agreed while glaring at Hornet, "Yeah, what's the problem, Hornet? Where were you, and what happened to you? Have you been dealing with something lately?"

Here it was again. His friends weren't done with the same topic as why Hornet wasn't in the heist that time at the gala, and now, they still wanted answers from him why he let them down, "I... I..."

"It wasn't Hornet I was talking about. It was Wolf," Snake corrected, "Sure Hornet mysteriously didn't participate in our heist, but at least he didn't double cross us. This was supposed to be us conning Marmalade," The guards demanded them to have the things on them confiscated with Snake being forced to choke, "It turns out it was Wolf conning us. Does that sound familiar to you, Wolf?"

"Why-why would you think that?" Wolf asked.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe because you just sabotaged the biggest heist of our lives!" Snake snapped back, "I think you owe us an explanation, buddy."

Wolf knew that he couldn't hide the truth from his friends for long. It was at this point where he knew that he messed up, but he couldn't get out of it. The least he could do was tell the truth to his friends.

Wolf sighed, "Okay, you're right. This is what happened."

After being forced to give away what he kept in his pockets, Wolf grabbed a card that presented his name and birthday, stepping in front of the camera.

"Back in the museum, I just tried to steal an old lady's purse," He quickly flashed a shiny grin as the camera took his mugshot, but that did nothing to cheer him up, "Classic snatch and grab."

"Tried to?" Tarantula repeated in disbelief as she rubbed her legs in ink to place down her feet prints. "Since when do you try to steal something and not just steal it?"

"I was trying to steal the purse when the old lady fell and..." Wolf hesitated as he started changing into orange prison clothes, "I kind of helped her."

"What?" Snake hissed during his mugshot, shocked that Wolf didn't tell him before.

"I kind of helped her," Wolf admitted.

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