Saving The Day

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I decided not to write down the scene of Wolf and Diane trying to retrieve the meteorite, captured by Marmalade, and "betrayed" by Snake. There was nothing else to change there.

I hope you'll like this new chapter. Have fun reading.


As Cuddles pushed down the lever, Wolf and Diane gasped when they saw the floor open up and reveal a bunch of spinning blades, set to tear them to pieces.

Wolf and Diane screamed in fright as they struggled to free themselves from the restraints they were tied in as they were lowered closer and closer to what seemed like inevitable doom.

Suddenly, a puff of green smoke seemed to shoot out from the vents.

Diane, thinking it was poisonous, shouted, "Poison gas, don't breathe it in!"

The pair held their breath as tight as they could, but then, Wolf caught a whiff of the gas and...something about it made him comment, "Wait a second." He sniffed it a few more times before finally recognizing the scent, "That's not poison gas!"

Cuddles caught a whiff of the stinky cloud and retched before falling over and passing out.

A faint familiar voice was heard in the vents, "Sorry!"

Wolf gasped in shock, knowing very well who said that.

On the floor, Shark broke through the bent door, gasping for air, with Tarantula coming out from inside his mouth, Hornet sped upward from the vent to get away from his friend's gas, and Piranha popping out afterwards, and exclaimed, "Surprise!"

The four were all, just like Wolf, wearing their black bodysuit, with Webs as an exception since she was only wearing her sweatshirt and its hoodie on her head. Plus, they were all still wagging from earlier at the hideout.

Wolf was very relieved to see them, and chuckled happily, "What? Ah, guys! can't believe it's you!"

Tarantula commented, "You were right, Wolfie."

"We felt the wag, man!" Shark added excitedly

"And the tingle!" Piranha added.

"It's new, and... very funny. But it feels nice once in a while," Hornet tried to keep a smile on his face as he pretended to be surprised like the rest of his three friends about the wag.

Wolf, feeling very happy that his friends got to feel the "good tingle", commented, "It's good, right?"

However, there was still a major situation going on involving Diane and Wolf being brought lower to the spinning blades, and closer to doom!

Diane, knowing this, nervously chuckled and stated, "This is super moving, but can we do this later?"

However, Shark was too distracted by how good his wagging fin felt, and said in a rapping motion while dancing, "Feels like I got a rhythm section in my fin!"

Shark then started to beatbox while Piranha hopped onto Shark's hand and danced to his heart's content.

Wolf and Diane were trying to bend their heads upward as best they could to avoid contact with the ever near blades, panicking that this joyous moment was gonna cost them their lives.

Diane shouted, in fear/frustration, "Ugh, come on! Spinning blades!"

That snapped them out of it, with Piranha and Shark rushing over to help grab Diane and Wolf.

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