New Feelings

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Hornet flew to the Sharing Laboratory to do his research as he connected the keyboard and mouse to his helmet via Bluetooth as he turned on the HUD effect of his helmet, showing the Google search. Just like how Tarantula type, without eight legs, Hornet typed on his keyboard as fast as he could with Marmalade's full name, and entered to start searching. He had opened all the possible results he could find, and most of it showed Marmalade's good deeds, and nothing else. "Come on, Professor Marmalade. Who are you?" He tried to search for further information, but all he could see about Marmalade was feeding the hungry, saving endangered animals, and donating money for charities. Feeling exhausted, Hornet slammed his fist on the table, disappointed that he couldn't find what he was looking for, "Ugh, that's just won't do."

"Hey, Hornet," Hornet heard someone calling his name, and turned to see Piranha standing a few feet away from him before walking towards him, "You're up late."

Hornet was relieved it was just his best friend, "Hi, Piranha."

"What are you doing, chico?" Piranha tried to look at what Hornet was doing with his helmet.

"Oh, just researching about Marmalade. I had a suspicion about him," Hornet explained while continuing his research.

"He's just a stupid goodie guinea pig. Nothing suspicious about him," said Piranha.

"To you, at least. But I had my theory, Piranha," Hornet sighed as he took his helmet to rest from research, "Look, Piranha, I know all of this is just pretending, but... what happened this isn't going to be a pretend anymore?"

Piranha eyed Hornet worryingly, "What are you talking about? That's never gonna happen."

"But what if it does? What if... if we leave the crime life behind, what will happen to us? Will we split up, go our separate ways? Make our own life? Or... we will never see each other again?"

"What? No! Hornet, that will never ever happen. We won't abandon our crime life because this is what we do together, and we will never split up. Besides, if we do go our separate ways, which we never will, I would rather be with you."

As Piranha comforted Hornet, the former moved closer to the latter, and placed a fin on his tiny little hand, reassuring his promise.

But at that moment, Hornet noticed Piranha was placing his hand gently at his. It felt weird that he had Piranha's hand on top of his hand, and... it was a gentle touch. Hornet began to blush when felt that touch as he looked up at Piranha.

Piranha noticed the look on Hornet's face as he realized he had his fin on top of Hornet's hand. Now that was awkward. He was only comforting his friend, but this was a bit weird.

Piranha quickly yanked his fin away from Hornet's hand, "Sorry!"

"It's okay, it's okay." Hornet said while trying to stop blushing until the red glow on his cheeks faded, "But I hope we won't split up. You guys are the only family I had, and... I don't want to lose you... or any of you."

Piranha smiled while patting Hornet's head, "You know we won't let that happen, Hornet. We will always stick together, no matter what."

"Yeah, but..." Hornet exhaled, "You know I failed to participate in those exercises today. I didn't even try."

"Hey, it's okay. I mean, we all failed. Everyone failed... until Wolf saved the cat," Piranha reminded him about earlier while pulling a book from a shelf to read something while talking to Hornet.

"I know, but we're doing this so we could steal the Golden Dolphin and we would be free with it."

"Look, I know we tried, but it wasn't so simple. We had a hard time pretending to be good to continue with the plan, but... you're right. We're doing this for the team."

"Just because everyone expects something from you doesn't mean it's guaranteed to happen."

"Well, that doesn't stop them from expecting it."

"Which only makes things harder because the last thing you want to do is..."

"...let everybody down," Piranha and Hornet said in unison, much to their surprise.

On these last three words, both boys each mired in gloomy thoughts of what his past has brought upon her in the here and now. Piranha had been messing up more than one time, and almost let the team down, but he got improved over the years, and wanted to be a better Bad Guy like everyone else. Hornet had the same feeling. Being the look-out of the team wasn't so easy for him as he was just keeping an eye on things instead of part of the action. He even almost had the team captured or took the risk to save him from jail years ago. They look up as one, seeing each other's wide-eyed surprise, and trade a pair of lopsided smiles with Piranha putting the book back on the shelf where he took it out.

Piranha let out a huge yawn, and said tiredly, "Well, I better get some sleep. Are you sure you don't want to come back to sleep?"

"You go. I'll catch up," Hornet said.

"Alright, well... Goodnight, Little nighttime butterfly," Piranha teased before heading out the "laboratory".

"Little night butterfly?" Hornet wondered why Piranha called him like that, until he looked at the reflection of the glass window to see he was still in his butterfly costume "Ack!" He quickly removed his pjs, and found a fireplace where he threw his costume into it.

Now that settled it and he was alone, Hornet had to get back to his research... but he couldn't stop thinking about the moment Piranha touched his hand earlier. It was a funny feeling. When he felt Piranha's hand on top of his, Hornet felt that spark between that touch. And when he looked up at Piranha, he realized how cute he looked when Piranha panicked and yanked his hand away from his. Hornet could see that fish's eyes sparkled, and his goofy expression earlier. He thought he was cute, but he never thought he would be cute in his eyes before!

"Oh gosh, what am I feeling? Why do I feel like this?!" Hornet said in his mind in panic as he was blushing again, "Is it possible that I'm... in love with Piranha?"


Well, that's the chapter... Finally! I finally posted this chapter that I wanted to write. Yep, here it is. In this chapter Piranha and Hornet had a moment to themselves, talking about their possible future. While Hornet was worried, Piranha comforted him, surprisingly touching the latter's little hand. That was the moment that after all these years, Hornet found out he had feelings for his best friend! This is so cute!

The whole chapter was a reference from the scene of My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks, where Twilight and Sunset had a conversation in the middle of the night at Pinkie Pie's kitchen

I hope you guys like this chapter. Please vote and comment

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