The Bad Guys Going Good

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A video camera from the Channel 6 Action News team was seen recording the outside of the Museum of Fine Arts, where the police were escorting the now handcuffed Bad guys towards the police van, with the team feeling completely heartbroken that they got busted after so many heists and crimes that they had gotten away with.

Tiffany was on the scene, announcing into her microphone, "The Bad Guys go bust! The nefarious sixsome has finally been captured, and I, Tiffany Fluffit, am first on the scene!"

As the chief was escorting the handcuffed Wolf towards the van, she seemed to be in shock that she had finally caught them, still grasping the emotions behind how she was feeling about this long awaiting moment, and commented, "Wow. You know, I-I just realized that I have devoted my entire adult life to putting you in jail. You are my purpose. Without you, who am I?"

When Wolf thought that the chief of police was gonna get so emotionally sappy, he thought wrong, as the Chief smacked him on the back, "Ah, I'm just kidding! This is the best moment of my life! It's the end of the Bad Guys!"

Wolf, however, was panicking, especially when he witnessed his friends getting dragged into the police van, despite the urge, and attempt, to resist.

Shark was the first to be pushed into the van, and cried, "No," but to no avail as he was pushed inside by the officers that brought him out.

Piranha was more resistant, struggling and squirming in the officers' arms as he shouted angrily, "Get your hands off of me," He hoped he could break free from their grip, but was hopelessly tossed inside.

Tarantula was stuck in a square glass container, since she was too small to be handcuffed, but it didn't contain her sass and anger as she declared, "Ooh, you're begging for a biting right now!"

Hornet was kept in a jar, since he was also too small to be handcuffed. He was fluttering in panic around the jar, trying to break free, as he has claustrophobia. This wasn't the first time he was captured and kept in a jar, "No, no, I don't wanna go back to jail again! I don't do jars too!"

While an officer dragged the handcuffed Snake inside, he turned his head and shouted towards his best buddy, "Wolf!" He hoped Wolf would be able to find some way to get them out.

Wolf couldn't help but feel saddened that this was it; they were all gonna be heading off to jail. Curse his tail for wagging when it did at possibly the worst moment that it could've happened. Why, just why did it have to wag?! Why was it that...Marmalade's words to him?

Speaking of Professor Marmalade, Wolf turned his head and looked back at where a group of reporters were talking to the guinea pig, who was holding his Golden Dolphin Trophy, and Governor Foxington, who was trying to gain order from the reporters that were showering them with questions.

Suddenly, an idea formed into Wolf's head, as he smiled, thinking that he just might've found a way out of this.

Suddenly, he slipped right under the chief's hand and walked towards Diane and Marmalade, much to the shock of the gasping crowd, "Excuse me. Sorry to interrupt, I just wanted to congratulate the governor here. I got to say, you really got us pegged. We're just a deep well of anger and self-loathing-,"

Diane wasn't feeling amused, and commented, "Denial."

Wolf answered, trying to go all Clooney-like, "Sure. That, too."

"Narcissism," added the governor.

"Yeah, Yeah," answered Wolf.

"Emotional emptiness," added Diane.

"So we're on the same page," replied Wolf, with a George Clooney smile.

In the police van, Shark, Snake, Tarantula, Hornet, and Piranha, who was hung to the van's ceiling in handcuffs, were watching what Wolf was doing in utter confusion.

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