Marmalade's True Colors

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Then, it showed Wolf, who was handcuffed, being pushed by the chief of police to the police van, while Wolf shouted, "Hey, you're making a mistake, we didn't do it! I know we always say that, but this time it's actually true!"

The chief, however, was in "Stopping the Bad Guys at last" heaven to listen, or even care, as she replied while pretending not to listen to Wolf, "A-la-la-la-la. Can't hear you. Guilty, guilty, guilty!"

All of this was being recorded on the news video camera, as Wolf, soon inside the van with the other 5 Bad Guys, shouted, "Talk to Marmalade, we're really good now! He'll tell you! Professor," before the van door was slammed shut in front of his face.

Tiffany Fluffit was covering the news story, saying to the camera, "Tonight's headline: Change is impossible. You should always judge a book by its cover, and all stereotypes have been affirmed."

Diane was overhearing Tiffany's news story and rolled her eyes, as if she couldn't even believe what the reporter was saying.

Mira also overheard the reporter's story. The journalist always saw Tiffany Fluffit as her rival in the news world, but judging the Bad Guys in a harmful way like this was low for a reporter. No wonder Mira didn't like Tiffany much.

Suddenly, Marmalade was seen running through the crowd, saying while trying to ask the chief of police, "Stop, for goodness' sake! Let me speak to them. I'm-I'm sure there's been some misunderstanding."


Inside the van, all 6 Bad Guys were sadly sitting together, handcuffed, and already on track to be sent to possibly the harshest prison in the area. They were so quiet and helpless as no one broke the silence since they got inside, until...

"Hornet?" Snake broke the silence as it caught Hornet's attention.

Horrified, Hornet turned to Snake, who was just right beside to his jar

"Where were you?" asked Snake.

Hornet stammered as he was scared, "W-what?"

Snake then reminded him, "You were supposed to look onto things, just in case our mission would compromise, but you just... disappeared until the cops chased us. Where were you? What happened?" he questioned, seriously wanting to know what happened to Hornet during the heist.

Hornet turned to the other Bad Guys, who were staring at him, curious of what happened to him. Hornet was scared to tell his friends the truth that he was dealing with emotional thoughts, and that wasn't a good excuse for bailing out his friends for some PTSDs.

"I..." Hornet started to explain, but he couldn't bring the words right out of his mouth, "I just... I..."

Just then, they saw the van door open where the guinea pig came in.

Wolf felt incredibly relieved, hoping the guinea pig could help them out again like at the awards show, "Ah, Professor Marmalade."

The chief told Marmalade, "You've got five minutes, no deals this time," she closed the door behind him, leaving the professor inside the van with the Bad Guys.

Wolf quickly asked Marmalade, "Y-You have to help us. Tell 'em. Tell 'em we didn't do it."

Marmalade, being the "sweet cheeks" that he was, tried to help Wolf calm down, "There, there. Of course you didn't do it. How could you? After all, you're such a good boy," he patted his paw with one of his tiny hands.

Suddenly, something seemed to strike Wolf in the head...that pinged of realization. That "good boy" term made Wolf think back to everything that had happened: meeting the old lady at the awards show that praised him for saving her, hearing Marmalade's speech, the idea of the "Going good" experiment, hearing that the meteorite was gonna be on display at the Gala of goodness, and hoe even earlier, Marmalade then mentioned that all eyes were gonna be on the Bad Guys tonight, and not him.

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