Mr. Wolf Saves The Cat

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So, a lot of people kept commenting if there will be more of Hornet flashback. There won't be, but it's a clue that there will be in my future Bad Guys story, so enjoy this one for now. Things could get pretty exciting.


The next afternoon, Diane Foxington arrived to give them a piece of their minds. Swinging a newspaper, it was already seen of the Bad Guys intruding a research facility, but there was also fear upon the released flood of guinea pigs now causing major concern in the city. As Diane rambled at them, the Bad Guys tried their best to look sheepish while Marmalade watched on in worry for the progress of the experiment.

"Trespassing? Burglary? Mayhem?" Diane listed as she wrapped up the final things of her ramble. "Assault with a deadly reptile?! As if those poor rodents haven't been through enough already?!"

"No, Diane," Marmalade pleaded, "Please."

Diane sighed. "Okay. I'm sorry, Professor, but I'm calling the chief. The experiment is over."

"Please," said Marmalade as he went up to Diane. "Experiments take time."

As the two public figures argued, Wolf turned to Snake.

"What's wrong with her getting mad about what happened to the pigs?" Snake grumbled.

"Because the people got afraid," Wolf hissed.

"Of what?"

"Of the creep who tried to eat them!"

"What? I couldn't help myself!"

"Well, if we took them out, then it could have been okay!"

"So I had a moment of weakness. Sue me."

"That's gonna be difficult to do from prison."

"Guys," Tarantula cut in, thinking more now on the present situation. "What do we do now?"

Hornet whimpered as the other Bad Guys turned to him worryingly, "I... I don't wanna go back in the jar again..."

Wolf sighed before glancing at Snake and nodding to himself.

"Time to launch a charm offensive," Wolf said as he adjusted his pajama suit and rushed after Diane.

The Bad Guys smirked to themselves, knowing what that meant.

"Oh yeah," Shark cooed, "The full Clooney."


It came upon Wolf's attention that the cat was still stuck in the tree. Seriously, did Marmalade bother to get it down? As soon as he heard it miaowing up there, Wolf made his way to the tree. He decided that he shouldn't have the hood on, taking it off to show his full head. Approaching the tree, he could see the cat right there, looking nervous.

"I think we got off to a bad start," said Wolf. "The name's Wolf."

He started to climb up the tree, eliciting a scared meow from the cat as it backed away.

Wolf sighed sadly. "Yep. I get that a lot. First impressions and all."

He continued climbing, but that only made the cat panic. It tried to back away, but seeing that there was no way else to go, it tried leaping onto another leaf. However, that one was decaying a little and looked like it could snap. Wolf noticed this, trying to call for it to not go there, but the leaf broke. The cat fell, but Wolf quickly grabbed it at the last second.

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